Delft Matters

Deft Matters is the magazine for the TU Delft for Life community, consisting of alumni, students and employees. Delft Matters is published twice a year in a Dutch and English version.


Delft's business matters

In Delft Matters you can read how and where the entire TU Delft for Life community makes an impact for a better world. Delft Matters informs, connects and activates. It focuses on solutions for society through technology, innovation and collaboration.

Receive Delft Matters

The magazine is published twice a year. Do you already receive Delft Matters? Then you will see the new edition coming through the (digital) mailbox in June or December. Are you not yet receiving Delft Matters, but would you like to? Then sign up here and choose between the digital or paper magazine.

Online magazine

Don't like paper magazines? We also have an online magazine for digital readers. This is a fully-fledged digital version with links to background information, people and events and with extras such as audio and video.

Digital Subscription

Would you like to receive Delft Matters as an online magazine rather than a paper magazine? Please let us know if you no longer wish to receive the paper edition. Register as a digital subscriber by sending an e-mail to or fill out this form.

If you do nothing, you will continue to receive Delft Matters on paper.

Living abroad?

We no longer ship the paper version abroad free of charge. You will receive Delft Matters digitally. As a result, we save on materials such as paper and ink and minimize the logistics footprint. We will let you know via e-mail when a new digital edition is available.

Are you not sure whether TU Delft has your correct e-mail address and would you like to read Delft Matters online?
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If you wish to continue receiving the paper version of Delft Matters, you will receive two editions sent to your home for €15 per year. More information about this can be found at