08 November 2019
Guaranteeing freshwater with a virtual delta
Freshwater is vital for drinking water, nature, agriculture and industry. However, the availability of freshwater is under pressure in deltas throughout the world. Salty seawater is penetrating further up the rivers due to human intervention, such as the deepening of waterways, as equally climate change.
08 November 2019
CEG subsurface research featured in Delft Outlook
Various research projects of our faculty regarding the underground, have been featured in the magazine Delft Outlook.
04 November 2019
Djonno Bresser CEG’s nominee for TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2019
Each academic year the Delft University Fund awards the prize for the Best Graduate of TU Delft. Each faculty is asked to nominate their best graduate. Djonno Breser has been nominated by CEGs faculty this year. The final announcement of the winner is on Tuesday 12 November.
21 October 2019
Neanderthal glue from the North Sea
Scientific research has revealed that a flint tool cased in a tar-like substance is actually one of the few examples of the use of glue by Neanderthals.
14 October 2019
Royal couple opens vertical wastewater treatment pilot in New Delhi
The royal couple opened a new pilot installation for the purification of contaminated wastewater in Indian drains.