12 June 2018
In-depth analysis of safety for swimmers around the Sand Engine
Pumping huge volumes of sand onto the coastline has effects on currents, waves and swim safety. Max Radermacher has compiled the first analysis of this problem to allow targeted measures (such as extra coastguards) to be taken where necessary. Radermacher will be awarded a PhD at TU Delft for his work on this subject on Friday 15 June.
07 June 2018
4TU Resilience Engineering Centre officially launched
Large power failures or heavy storms demonstrate how vulnerable our infrastructure is. The four technical universities in the Netherlands (Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente, and Wageningen University and Research) are joining forces in the field of Resilience Engineering. On 7 June, the plans for the centre have been explained during an international launch event in Rotterdam.
04 June 2018
CEG alumna Martha Deen wins Marina van Dammebeurs 2018
Can we combat climate change by drawing energy from the ocean? Martha Deen, alumna Applied Earth Sciences, has the ambition to map the potential of marine energy. She convinced a jury and won the Marina van Damme scholarship 2018 for female alumni of TU Delft.
04 June 2018
Vidi grant for Frans van der Meer
Frans van der Meer was awarded a VIDI grant worth EUR 800,000 for his proposal about composite laminate. VIDI grants are awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) to enable laureates to set up their own research group to develop their own innovative line of research.
31 May 2018
No increase in losses in Europe from floods in the past 150 years
Extreme hydrological events are generally predicted to become more frequent and damaging in Europe due to warming climate. Researchers from TU Delft and Rice University (Houston) have now shown that, correcting for economic and demographic changes, there has been no increase in financial losses and fatalities from floods in the last 150 years. They have reported on their findings in Nature Communications.