
306 results

16 September 2021

Energy from concrete nominated for Best Tech Idea

Energy from concrete nominated for Best Tech Idea

When waves batter the coast, energy is generated. Researchers Branko Šavija and Yading Xu from TU Delft want to capture that by using a special type of concrete to create an alternative energy source.

12 September 2021

Water for Impact Programme officially launched on 9 September

Water for Impact Programme officially launched on 9 September

On September 9th the TU Delft | Water for Impact programme was launched at the Green Village. This programme is part of the TU Delft | Global Initiative and centers on valuing water, specifically the need for safe and affordable water for everyone around the world. Researchers and students collaborate beyond faculty boundaries, and beyond their own water discipline.

09 September 2021

High water Limburg summer 2021 more drastic than river floods in 1993 and 1995

High water Limburg summer 2021 more drastic than river floods in 1993 and 1995

The heavy precipitation along with the high water of July 2021 in the Netherlands and surrounding countries was an extreme and exceptional event with major social consequences in Limburg. Commissioned by the Expertise Network for Water Safety (ENW), a broad consortium of knowledge institutions, led by Delft University of Technology and Deltares, has now made an initial analysis of the available information on a range of topics.

18 August 2021

Emma was in Delft while her parental home was flooded

Emma was in Delft while her parental home was flooded

When waves batter the coast, energy is generated. Researchers Branko Šavija and Yading Xu from TU Delft want to capture that by using a special type of concrete to create an alternative energy source.

06 August 2021

Uber both competes with, and complements public transport

Uber both competes with, and complements public transport

Tussen een en twee op de vijf Uber-reizen hebben geen haalbaar alternatief in het openbaar vervoer. Het aandeel reizigers dat Uber verkiest boven openbaar vervoer neemt af naarmate de reistijd van het openbaar vervoer concurrerender is. Dat zijn twee bevindingen in een nieuw onderzoeksrapport over ritdiensten, dat gebaseerd is op een vergelijking van gegevens van Uber en het openbaar vervoer uit zes steden in de VS en Europa.