
23rd EJSW: Monitoring urban drainage systems

15 - 20 May 2017 in Chichilianne, France


Expected Programme (work in progress)
The 23rd EJSW will not only offer junior scientists an opportunity to present their research work and to be trained in chairing session as usual ESJWs, but will also put forward a unique set of practice sessions lead by the Organization Committee.

Morning sessions will be devoted to junior scientists oral presentations.

Afternoon sessions will include short lectures, questions & answers, and hands on workshops (detailed hereafter) of the following topics, organized in four blocks (tentative structure, final programme will be adapted to participants experience and wishes):

Block 1:

  • How does a sensor work? Sensor principle, design, sources of error.
  • Why and how to calibrate sensors? Tipping bucket rain gauge / turbidity sensor

Block 2:

  • Low cost WQ monitoring - turbidity alert for water supply system
  • In-situ validation of Q-measurement with (dye) tracing experiments

Block 3:

  • Methods to estimate uncertainties: Law of propagation of uncertainty (GUM) and Monte Carlo method

Block 4:

  • How to analyze and validate raw data? Principles and software.
  • How to design, install, build and maintain sensors in sewer and monitoring stations?

For each block, PPT slides, documents, examples, cases studies and codes (Excel, Matlab) will be provided to the participants.

One afternoon will be devoted to leisure activities, strongly dependent on weather conditions (walk in Vercors natural parc, orchid flowers tour, visit of natural caves, cheese and wine tasting, food based on wild plants tasting, etc.). The programme will keep some free time for unformal other activities (walks, picturing, etc.), based on the wishes and willingness of the participants.