Joint SPTL & DRTL seminar with Marjana Petrović, Luka Novačko and Ivona Bajor from University of Zagreb

News - 25 March 2024

In this seminar jointly organized by the Smart Public Transport Lab (SPTL) and the Digital Rail Traffic Lab (DRTL) on March 25, 2024, three guest speakers from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FTTS) presented the European project REALLOCATE (Rethinking the dEsign of streets And pubLic spaces to Leverage the mOdal shift to Climate-friendly Active Transport Everywhere). The project develops integrated and innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions, enabling European cities to exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas, and inspire other cities to replicate and adapt the developed solutions to their own contexts. 

REALLOCATE’s main objective is to pave the way towards climate-neutral, safe, inclusive and smart European cities through integrated and innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions that will address the needs of diverse groups and communities, while rebalancing street space allocation. The project will empower 10 twinned Mission Cities (Gothenburg-Tampere, Heidelberg-Utrecht, Lyon-Warsaw, Budapest-Zagreb, Barcelona-Bologna) by providing horizontal thematic expertise, supporting them to build a local innovation ecosystem to develop and deploy zero-emission, shared, inclusive, active and human-centred mobility interventions. Pilots in 15 urban and peri-urban unsafe areas will demonstrate innovative urban space management and reallocation strategies for sustainable modes (with a specific focus on active modes), having in mind safety, inclusivity, affordability and a just transition to climate neutrality overall. Solutions include innovative urban design, behavioural nudging, smart technological and data-driven solutions to reduce actual and perceived road safety risks, all contributing to achieving climate neutrality by 2030. The pilots will be the learning and testing environments for integrated approaches to foster knowledge transfer and collaborative learning to staff in cities through mentoring and capacity building, knowledge exchange, twinning and work shadowing. The project’s impact will be exponentially increased by engaging 10 Cascade Cities in capacity building activities, and providing them with replication packages and guidelines resulting in implementation plans for replicating at least one of the innovative solutions piloted.

In addition, the speakers provided an overview of the FTTS projects and expertise, as well as the FTTS-published scientific journal "Promet – Traffic&Transportation", indexed in WoS (SCIE) and Scopus.


  • Ivona Bajor is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb where she obtains the function of Head of Chair for Logistics Process Planning. Her research interests include digital logistics systems, simulation modeling, warehouse and reverse logistics processes optimization, greening and sustainability. As logistics consultant, she managed and worked on numerous industries projects and specialized in information systems optimization as implementation and restructuring consultant. She manages scientific projects for development and implementation of different technologies, as blockchain, AR, tracking systems and picking optimization, continuously researching and partnering logistics industry. She manages numerous national and EU projects concerning logistics study program development.
  • Luka Novačko is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb where he obtains the function of Head of Department for Road Transport and he is also Head of Laboratory for Planning in Road Transport. His research interests include modelling and planning in road and urban traffic, traffic simulations and intersection design. He was also involved in numerous scientific and expert projects in the field of road and urban traffic and transport.
  • Marjana Petrović is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb where she obtains the function of Chair of Railway Transport Technology. Her research interests include transport simulation and modelling, planning, and organizing of rail passenger transport, and railway operations. As a researcher she participated in projects funded by the EU, national research projects and professional projects.

The slides from the seminar can be found below:

In this seminar jointly organized by the Smart Public Transport Lab (SPTL) and the Digital Rail Traffic Lab (DRTL) on March 25, 2024, three guest speakers from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FTTS) presented the European project REALLOCATE (Rethinking the dEsign of streets And pubLic spaces to Leverage the mOdal shift to Climate-friendly Active Transport Everywhere). The project develops integrated and innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions, enabling European cities to exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas, and inspire other cities to replicate and adapt the developed solutions to their own contexts. 

REALLOCATE’s main objective is to pave the way towards climate-neutral, safe, inclusive and smart European cities through integrated and innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions that will address the needs of diverse groups and communities, while rebalancing street space allocation. The project will empower 10 twinned Mission Cities (Gothenburg-Tampere, Heidelberg-Utrecht, Lyon-Warsaw, Budapest-Zagreb, Barcelona-Bologna) by providing horizontal thematic expertise, supporting them to build a local innovation ecosystem to develop and deploy zero-emission, shared, inclusive, active and human-centred mobility interventions. Pilots in 15 urban and peri-urban unsafe areas will demonstrate innovative urban space management and reallocation strategies for sustainable modes (with a specific focus on active modes), having in mind safety, inclusivity, affordability and a just transition to climate neutrality overall. Solutions include innovative urban design, behavioural nudging, smart technological and data-driven solutions to reduce actual and perceived road safety risks, all contributing to achieving climate neutrality by 2030. The pilots will be the learning and testing environments for integrated approaches to foster knowledge transfer and collaborative learning to staff in cities through mentoring and capacity building, knowledge exchange, twinning and work shadowing. The project’s impact will be exponentially increased by engaging 10 Cascade Cities in capacity building activities, and providing them with replication packages and guidelines resulting in implementation plans for replicating at least one of the innovative solutions piloted.

In addition, the speakers provided an overview of the FTTS projects and expertise, as well as the FTTS-published scientific journal "Promet – Traffic&Transportation", indexed in WoS (SCIE) and Scopus.


  • Ivona Bajor is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb where she obtains the function of Head of Chair for Logistics Process Planning. Her research interests include digital logistics systems, simulation modeling, warehouse and reverse logistics processes optimization, greening and sustainability. As logistics consultant, she managed and worked on numerous industries projects and specialized in information systems optimization as implementation and restructuring consultant. She manages scientific projects for development and implementation of different technologies, as blockchain, AR, tracking systems and picking optimization, continuously researching and partnering logistics industry. She manages numerous national and EU projects concerning logistics study program development.
  • Luka Novačko is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb where he obtains the function of Head of Department for Road Transport and he is also Head of Laboratory for Planning in Road Transport. His research interests include modelling and planning in road and urban traffic, traffic simulations and intersection design. He was also involved in numerous scientific and expert projects in the field of road and urban traffic and transport.
  • Marjana Petrović is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb where she obtains the function of Chair of Railway Transport Technology. Her research interests include transport simulation and modelling, planning, and organizing of rail passenger transport, and railway operations. As a researcher she participated in projects funded by the EU, national research projects and professional projects.

The slides from the seminar can be found below: