
Yumin Cao is a visiting PhD at DiTTlab and AIMlab (12/2021~12/2022 under CSC scholarship). On 2018, he obtained BSc of Traffic & Transportation Engineering in Central South University (CN), and is now currently pursuing PhD (on 'Vehicle path reconstruction and control in urban road networks') of the same specialization in Tongji University (CN).


Yuming's research focuses on (1) vehicular origin-destination demand and path flow estimation using emerging data sources, and (2) reconstructing individual vehicle path in road networks, and (3) combined optimization of traffic signal control and vehicle path assignment. The interdiscipline of traffic engineering, network modeling, optimization, and artificial intelligence is of special interest to him.

Yuming Cao

Visiting PhD

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
    Building 23
    Stevinweg 1
    2628 CN Delft

    Room: 4.02