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Active Mode Lab
Dr. Dorine Duives awarded a NWO Veni grant
06 November 2020
Dr. Dorine Duives has been awarded a NWO Veni grant worth 250,000 euros through the NWO (Dutch Research Council) for her project on CrowdIT Space: design and impact assessment of IT-based crowd management solutions for pedestrian spaces.
New Publication: Data collection methods for studying pedestrian behaviour: A systematic review
21 October 2020
"Data collection methods for studying pedestrian behaviour: A systematic review" was recently published in Building and Environment. Check more details about the paper here.
Travelling under corona conditions
16 July 2020
The Covid pandemic had a strong impact on travelling in the Netherlands. Since the middle of March 2020 regulations preventing physical contact pushed down mobility. After stepwise relieving the regulations in later months, mobility started recovering. Travelling in the different phases of reduced mobility is estimated using pre-corona travel data. A detailed description of ‘normal’ (pre-corona) travelling, particularly with respect to commuting for either work or education, enables to break down travelling into segments with a different degree of suspension, that is under which conditions of relieved regulation trips that initially are discontinued will be made again. The KiM reported the analysis with the focus on public transport patronage.
Leidt de lockdown tot een structurele verandering in treinreizen?
23 June2020
Tijdens de ‘intelligente lockdown’ zag NS het aantal treinreizigers kelderen met maar liefst 93 procent. Dat is een ramp op zich. Maar de ov-organisatie vraagt zich ook bezorgd af wat al die klanten in de toekomst gaan doen. Om dat scherp te krijgen, benaderden NS en TU Delft het NS-panel met een serie vragen. Bijna 46.000 panelleden deden mee aan het onderzoek.
Evacuating virtual buildings
27 May 2020
Virtual Reality (VR) is not just about gaming or flight simulators. At TU Delft, PhD Yan Feng is investigating how it may help explain the behaviour of pedestrians. It took her just five months to teach herself how to create a complex virtual building. By then she had built an exact replica of her faculty building and invited real people to explore and evacuate it. So how did they find their way around?
Impact of Corona on travel behaviour
24th April 2020
TU Delft and NS started a large-scale study of the impact of the coronavirus crisis on people’s travel behaviour. As from today, some 100,000 NS passengers will be approached to take part. The intelligent lockdown has caused the number of train passengers to drop to some 7% of the normal number over the past few weeks. When day-to-day life gradually resumes, more and more people will start using public transport again. As a result of the coronavirus measures, trains can only carry 20 to 25% of the number of passengers they usually transport, so we need to know more about the wishes and travel intentions of passengers.
De rol van drie deelfietssystemen in de modal shift
16th December 2019
The use of bike-sharing systems has an impact on the modality distribution of cars, bicycles, public transport and other active transport modes. Increasing shared bike usage can therefore improve the quality of urban environment by reducing traffic noise and congestion, and also improve physical well-being. Unless the shared bike use is at the cost of other active tranport modes.
A survey has been performed to investigate the modal shift dynamics and the influential factors on modal shift in response to various bike-sharing systems: including Swapfiets (lease), OV-fiets (docked, station-bound) and Mobike (dockless).
End of ‘Travel to campus the other way’ pilot
16th December 2019
On Monday 16 December Nicoly Vermeulen, the Executive Board Vice President of Operations, brought the pilot to a close in a festive ceremony. The pilot provides valuable input on keeping the campus accessible and on how we can encourage people to use sustainable transport. Much of the input has now been analysed and shows that the pilot is having a positive effect on sustainable travel habits. The initial results and experiences of the participants can be seen until 20 December in the Aula Building, in the form of a small exhibition.
Sensing Shared Spaces using 3D Stereo-Vision sensors
17th October 2019
This MSc project is conducted by Rishabh Mittal, under the supervision of Yufei Yuan, Winnie Daamen and Serge Hoogendoorn from TU Delft, Thomas Paul and Laurens Tait from Arup B.V.. The main idea is to test the data-gathering capabilities of 3D stereo-vision sensors in observing pedestrians and cyclists in a shared space environment. The second experiment in this MSc project took place in the shared space behind Amsterdam Central Station, near the ferry waiting area on 17th October.
Meet Active Mode Lab and UMO Lab at TU Delft Campus
20 September 2019
A subset of the research performed as a joint effort of the Active Mode Lab and the UMO Lab was demonstrated during the TU Delft Campus kick-off event.
The TU Delft Campus aims to bridge scientists, students, start-ups, companies and knowledge institutions, to facilitate the collaboration between academia and practitioners in an earlier stage.
Dr. Danique Ton unraveles mode and route choice behaviour
17 September 2019
On the 17th of September Danique Ton has defended her thesis entitled ‘Unravelling mode and route choice behaviour of active mode users’ at the Delft University of Technology. Her thesis will soon be available and can be found in the repository of the TU Delft. We are happy to see that she passed this final hurdle with flying colours and wish the young new doctor all the best in her new position as a postdoc in our department.
Summer school on Cycling in cities
9-13 September, 2019
The TRAIL International Summer School for PhD-candidates, was held for the second time in September 2019. The theme changes annually and this year was about Cycling in Cities. Kees Maat and Serge Hoogendoorn acted as course leaders. From the department of Transport and Planning, also Winnie Daamen, Danique Ton and Alexandra Gavriilidou were involved. Lectures were mainly given by teaching staff from the participating TRAIL universities. We were hosted by the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS) and for one day at the Municipality of Rotterdam, in the futuristic Timmerhuis.
USF Summer School meets Allegro
8 August 2019
This August we organized two full days of active mode research for 18 Bachelors and Masters students from the University of South Florida. Together with Prof. Robert Bertini, the organizer of the trip, the students were visiting TU Delft and the Netherlands as part of a two-week summer school on sustainable transportation.
Crowd Limits Experiment
5 & 6 June 2019
Two large-scale controlled pedestrian experiments were performed as part of the ALLEGRO project. The goal of these two experiments was to get insight into the following question: If, how, when, where and under which conditions do pedestrian flows stagnate in a corridor with a bidirectional flow or in a two-way crossing?
Cycling for science at Ahoy
25 April 2019
PhD students Alexandra Gavriilidou and Marie-Jette Wierbos have just finished an intensive cycling experiment. The checklist: 1000 metres of tape, 200 caps, 8 tracking cameras and 1 hall in Ahoy Rotterdam. Scientists have long shied away from predicting cycling behaviour but now TU Delft is gearing up to change all that.
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