K. (Klaas) van Breugel
Profile K.(Klaas) van Breugel is emeritus professor at the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of the TU Delft. He became employed at the university in the division of Concrete Structures in 1979. In 1991 he got his PhD in Delft and in 1999 he became full professor on Concrete Modelling and Materials Behaviour. In 2002 he was appointed director of the Micromechanical Laboratory and in 2008 he was appointed head of the division of Materials & Environment. He is member of ACI, RILEM, fib and Dutch Concrete Society. In 2014 he was made RILEM fellow in recognition of his exceptional scientific contribution to RILEM's work.
Main research topics are:
- Design of concrete retaining and protective structures
- Numerical modelling of hydration and microstructure development of cement-based systems.
- Early-age concrete: evolution of stresses and risk of cracking
- Design of concrete structure for imposed temperature and shrinkage induced deformations
- Durability and service life prediction of concrete structures
- Ageing of materials and structures
Prof. Van Breugel was responsible for the MSc-courses:
- Concrete Science and Technology
- Concrete structure – Capita Selecta
During his active professorship prof. Van Breugel has been Director of Study of the faculty of Civil Engineering from 2005 until 2008.
- Concrete: a material that barely deserves that qualification (2010). In W. Brameshuber (Ed.), Proceedings of the international RILEM conference on material science (pp. 13-32). Bagneux, France: Rilem Publications S.A.R.L (ISBN 978-2-35158-108-7).
- The challenge of dealing with uncertainties in service life design (2010). In K. van Breugel, G. Ye & Y. Yuan (Eds.), 2nd International symposium on service life design for infrastructure (pp. 273-280). Bagneux, France: RILEM publications S.A.R.L (ISBN 978-2-35158-096-7).
- Structural systems for protection against extreme events (2011). Structural Concrete, fib, 12 p.
- Recent advances in modeling for cementitious materials (2011). Co-author J.S. Dolado. Cement and Concrete Research, (ISSN 0008-8846), 41(7), 711-726.
- Self-healing material concepts as solution for aging infrastructure (2012). In CT Tam, KCG Ong, S Teng & MH Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th conference on our world in concrete and structures (OWICS 2012) (pp. 89-103). Singapore: Orchard Plaza (ISBN 978-981-07-2730-7).
- Ageing of old and modern concrete structures – Observations and research (2017). Co-author T. van Beek. Revista ALCONPAT, Vol. 7, Nr. 1, 57 – 72.
- Circularity: A new avenue for mitigating the footprint of ageing infrastructure? (2017) The 9th International Symposium on Cement and Concrete (ISCC 2017). Wuhan, 12 p.
- Smart Materials for Social Infrastructures: Past, Present and Future (2018). Int. Workshop on Structural Life Management of Eco-Power Structures. Daejeon, Korea, 10 p.
- Artificial cooling of hardening concrete (1980) TH-Delft, Research Report, No. DR-9
- Relaxation of young concrete (1981) TH-Delft, Research Report, No. DR-8
- Simulation of hydration and formation of structure in hardening cement-based materials (1991). PhD Thesis, TU Delft, 305 pp.
- Concrete structures under imposed thermal and shrinkage deformation – Theory and Practice. Co-authors: C.R. Braam, E.A.B. Koenders. TU-Delft 1996, 214 p.
- The Ageing of Materials and Structures - Towards Scientific Solutions for the Ageing of Our Assets (2018). Co-authors: Dessie Koleva, Ton van Beek. Springer. 248 p.

Klaas van Breugel
Professor emeriti
- + 31 15 27 84954
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23
Room: 6.19
Tue, Wed, Thu morning
Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md)
Materials and Environment
Chair / Research:
Modelling and Materials Behaviour
Jacqueline van Unen-Bergenhenegouwen