Ir. B. (Boyu) Chen


Boyu Chen obtained her Master’s degree at KU Leuven. From 2013 to 2015, she was working on copper slag based inorganic polymer in “SREMat” research group, under the supervision of Prof. Yiannis Pontikes. Her master thesis is about “The Role of Ca in synthetic Ca-Si-Fe inorganic Polymer System”, for which apart from copper slag, properties of two Ca-rich slag including blast furnace slag (BFS) and ladle metallurgy slag (LM slag) were studied as well.


Boyu Chen started her PhD in 2017 at TU Delft. She is now doing research about the recycling of bottom ash produced from the municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) in the application of building materials. The goal of her PhD project is to improve the properties of as-received MSWI bottom ash and use treated MSWI bottom ash to make high value building materials through alkali activation technology.

Boyu Chen

PhD candidate


Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md)

Materials and Environment

Chair / Research:
Utilization of MSWI bottom ash

Jacqueline van Unen-Bergenhenegouwen

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