H.B. (Bart) Hendrix
Rijkswaterstaat (the executing organ of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management), wants to gain more insight in the ageing and self-healing behaviour of concrete to be able to better predict the service life of civil concrete structures.
The optimization of material use (which is driven by CO2 reduction) might negatively influence the robustness of concrete structures. The effect for the long term can be that infrastructural concrete structures require major repair or replacement a lot earlier than expected because they can no longer fulfil their structural task due to durability issues. Regarding sustainability, this is not a desirable situation to get into.
As an extra, the developed knowledge about ageing and self-healing of concrete can be used to assess existing concrete structures.
- PFM analysis on concrete from new samples as well as from existing structures.
- Core sampling without disturbance; in situ moisture determination; permeability testing (in situ and in laboratory).
- Self-healing testing on cracks with non-stationary crack width (cyclic loading).
All testing to be carried out on three commonly used concrete types: CEM I concrete, CEM III/b concrete (blended w/ BFS) and CEM II/a (blended w/ FA).
Rijkswaterstaat, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water management
Senior technical advisor in tunnel construction and civil engineering.

Bart Hendrix
PhD candidate
- h.b.hendrix@tudelft.nl
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23
Room: 6.04
Thursday & Friday
Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md)
Materials and Environment
Chair / Research:
Concrete durability
Jacqueline van Unen-Bergenhenegouwen