Liu, Y.


Currently, I am a researcher at the section Infrastructure Design and Management of Delft University of Technology. My research project focuses on learning and knowledge management, inter-organizational collaboration, digital innovation in large infrastructure projects. I lecture in Construction Management and Engineering Master and Project Management: from Nano to Mega Minor courses, supervising master theses and internships. I was a visiting PhD at the Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management, UCL.


My research aims to stimulate discussions and further debate about learning at the project level to identify and implement capabilities and structures that enable more efficient learning within and between projects. I have investigated three case studies, including the MultiWaterWork Program and the Gaasperdammer Tunnel project in the Netherlands and Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge in China. The research results have been published in journals, e.g., International Journal of Project Management.

I lecture in:

  • Collaborative Design and Engineering
  • Dynamic Control of Projects in Construction Management and Engineering Master program and Fit-for-purpose Project Management
  • Integration: technical project in Project Management: from Nano to Mega Minor program

I have supervised:

  • 13 master theses
  • 11 master research internships
  • 2 bachelor theses
  • 2 Civil Engineering Consultancy Projects (Multidisciplinary Projects)
  • 9 master thesis supervision on-going
  • Liu, Y., Amini-Abyaneh, A., Hertogh, M., Houwing, E. J., & Bakker, H. (2021). Collaborate to learn and learn to collaborate: a case of exploitative learning in the inter-organizational project. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
  • Zeng, N., Liu, Y., Gong, P., Hertogh, M., & König, M. (2021). Do right PLS and do PLS right: A critical review of the application of PLS-SEM in construction management research. Frontiers of Engineering Management.
  • Liu, Y., van Marrewijk, A., Houwing, E. J., & Hertogh, M. (2019). The co-creation of values-in-use at the front end of infrastructure development programs. International journal of project management, 37(5), 684-695.
  • Liu, Y., van Nederveen, S., Wu, C., & Hertogh, M. (2018). Sustainable infrastructure design framework through integration of rating systems and building information modeling. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018.
  • Liu, Y., Van Nederveen, S., & Hertogh, M. (2017). Understanding effects of BIM on collaborative design and construction: An empirical study in China. International journal of project management, 35(4), 686-698.
  • Reviewer of International Journal of Project Management, Automation in Construction, Journal of Management in Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Project Management Journal, Construction Management and Economics, Urban Planning.
  • TU Delft PromooD (independent representative body for PhD candidates at the Delft University of Technology) chairman 2017-2018
  • TU Delft Doctoral Education Programme (DE) Advisory Board member 2016-2018
  • TU Delft Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences PhD Council founding board member and representative of the department Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md) 2017-2019
  • Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development Fourth Edition (Chinese Translation), China Architecture & Building Press
  • NETLIPSE Managing Large Infrastructure Projects : Research on Best Practices and Lessons Learnt in Large Infrastructure Projects in Europe & 10 Years of Managing Large Infrastructure Projects in Europe (Chinese Translation), Tongji University Press
  • Chinese Translation Playing with Complexity: Management and organisation of large infrastructure projects (Chinese Translation), Tongji University Press

Yan Liu


Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md)

Integral Design Management

Design & Integration

Sandra Schuchmann