Marcel Zijlema


Dr.  Bas van Maren is an associate Professor in the Environmental Fluid Mechanics section at TU Delft, and specialist at the knowledge institute Deltares. Bas holds an MSc degree in Physical Geography (Utrecht University, 1998) and a PhD degree in Coastal Morphology (2004, Utrecht University). He has been working as a (part-time) postdoc at Delft University between 2004 and 2012 at the River Engineering section, and returned as part-time research associate at the Environmental Fluid Mechanics section in 2016 where he became associate professor in 2024. He is working at Deltares since 2005 and has been professor at East China Normal University from 2000 to 2023.


CIEM3210         Coastal Engineering
CEGM2007       Resilient Deltas under Climate Change/Delta Technology

Research subjects

Bas van Maren’s main expertise is on understanding the response of coastal environments to human interventions and providing innovative solutions to mitigate these impacts. Through his work at Deltares and Delft University he combines practical problems in coastal environments with state-of-the-art scientific approaches. Herein Bas is particularly interested in the large-scale impact of small-scale processes through complex positive feedback mechanisms typically associated with the dynamics of fine-grained sediments. From pioneering studies in data-poor environments to in-depth studies covering nearly a decade, he has worked on a wide range of projects ranging from nature-based solutions for solving coastline erosion problems to turbidity issues in estuaries and around coral reefs. He has (co-)authored over 75 scientific journal publications and is editor with the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering.


Bas van Maren

Associate Professor in the Environmental Fluid Mechanics

  • Room number: HG 2.87

    Faculty of CEG
    Building 23
    Stevinweg 1
    2628 CN Delft

    PO box 5048
    2600 GA Delft