
The Geo-Engineering Section hosts a number of courses in the two BSc programmes offered by the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences:

Bachelor programme 

The Geo-Engineering Section offers the following courses in the BSc:

BSc Civil Engineering
CTB1000 Introduction to Civil Engineering
CTB2310 Soil Mechanics
CTB1410 Ontwerpen van Constructies & Funderingen I
CTB2320 Ontwerpen van Constructies & Funderingen II
CTB3385 Use of Underground Space
CTB3390 Mechanics and Transport by Flow in Porous Media
CTB3425 Monitoring and Stability of Dikes and Embankments
CTB3000 Bachelor Thesis

BSc Applied Earth Science
AESB2330 Soil Mechanics
AESB2342 Rock Mechanics
AESB3340 Mechanics and Transport by Flow in Porous Media
AESB3400 Bachelor Thesis

BSc Specialisation in Geotechnical Engineering

In the third year of the BSc programme, students are required to select so-called specialisation courses. Students wishing to graduate in Geo-Engineering should select the following courses: CTB3385 Use of Underground Space, CTB3390 Mechanics and Transport by Flow in Porous Media and CTB3425 Monitoring and Stability of Dikes and Embankments.

BSc Thesis

BSc dissertation projects are available from the full spectrum of Geo-Engineering disciplines. For more information, please check the BSc thesis pages of Civil Engineering and Applied Earth Science. You can also contact the BSc thesis coordinator or the relevant study coordinators, as follows: