
82 results

11 November 2021

Waarom een metro onder Utrecht 'makkelijker' is dan onder Amsterdam

De gemeente Utrecht wil met financiële hulp van het Rijk graag twee metrolijnen aanleggen. Met de verzakkingen van de Noord/Zuidlijn in Amsterdam in het achterhoofd, lijkt dat een complexe onderneming. Wout Broere, universitair docent Ondergronds Bouwen, vertelt hoe dat technisch in zijn werk gaat.

11 October 2021

GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinars

During the pandemic, Hadi Hajibeygi (GSE, TU Delft) and Sebastian Geiger (Heriot-Watt University) seized the opportunity to support the scientific community to combat work-from-home-isolation. They established the Geoscience & GeoEnergy Webinars; which features a scientist every Thursday 16:00 on youtube.

11 October 2021

GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinars

During the pandemic, Hadi Hajibeygi (GSE, TU Delft) and Sebastian Geiger (Heriot-Watt University) seized the opportunity to support the scientific community to combat work-from-home-isolation. They established the Geoscience & GeoEnergy Webinars; which features a scientist every Thursday 16:00 on youtube.

25 June 2021

A documentary about the former GSE building at the Mijnbouwstraat

A documentary about the former GSE building at the Mijnbouwstraat

During the KNGMG annual meeting of Thursday May 27th, a documentary about the great history of our former building at the Mijnbouwstraat was shown. If you missed it, you can check (126) Mijnbouwstraat 120. 1912-2021. Een markant gebouw - YouTube (unfortunately, in Dutch only).

21 May 2021

The J. Clarence Karcher Award for Niels Grobbe

Niels will receive the J. Clarence Karcher Award for his excellent research on ‘Coupled poroelastic waves and electromagnetic fields in layered media’.

21 May 2021

Outstanding Educator Award for Deyan Draganov

Outstanding Educator Award for Deyan Draganov

He will receive the Outstanding Educator Award for his excellent classroom teaching, his dedicated support of his students, his courses on seismic interferometry in SEG’s Continuing Education Programme and, for his approachability for his students.

08 April 2021

Grimburgwal provides lessons for quay wall renovations Amsterdam

Grimburgwal provides lessons for quay wall renovations Amsterdam

On September 1, 2020, part of the quay of the Grimburgwal in Amsterdam collapsed. The primary causes appear to be the different construction of the narrow quay, the locally deeper canal bed, and the weakening of masonry due to collisions. This is the result of the research conducted by a research team composed of experts from TU Delft, Deltares, AMS Institute, and SkyGEO, led by Mandy Korff (TU Delft/Deltares), on behalf of the City of Amsterdam. The full report with conclusions and recommendations for other quay walls in the city was published by the City of Amsterdam on April 8, 2021.

12 March 2021

Interpore Award for Hadi Hajibeygi

Interpore Award for Hadi Hajibeygi

Hadi Hajibeygi (GSE) has been awarded this year's InterPore Award for Porous Media Research for his outstanding research in porous media. The InterPore Award is given to only one individual per year who has demonstrated significant theoretical, experimental and/or modelling advances in understanding of problems involving natural or industrial porous media.

04 March 2021

7 GSE scientists among the best 2% worldwide

The department of Geoscience and Engineering is proud to host 7 scientists that figure in the top 2% of best scientists worldwide, as published in a study of Stanford University, based on research citings for scientists around the world.

18 February 2021

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship for Joaquín Liaudat!

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship for Joaquín Liaudat!

Joaquín Liaudat, currently post-doctoral researcher in the section of Geo-Engineering, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship.