
80 results

16 May 2022

Can TU Delft still work with the oil industry?

Can TU Delft still work with the oil industry?

Delft's climate mission no longer makes working with the oil industry a given. Prof. Dr. Giovanni Bertotti (Geoscience and Engineering (GSE)) works at the department with the most collaborations in the oil and gas industry. The shift from fossil to renewable energy is taking place slowly but irreversibly. What does that mean for collaborations?

12 May 2022

Creation of the Energy Simulation Centre for GeoEnergy

Creation of the Energy Simulation Centre for GeoEnergy

Energi Simulation, a Calgary-based not-for-profit organization, has committed an investment exceeding $1,000,000 Canadian Dollars over the next three years to support Dr. Hadi Hajibeygi and Professor Sebastian Geiger, from the Department of Geoscience and Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, to grow their geoscience and reservoir engineering research activities in energy transition and support innovative science on the transition to a low-carbon energy future.

12 April 2022

GSE in the media: Dominique Ngan & Deyan Draganov

At the end of March, Dominique Ngan-Tillard and Deyan Draganov performed a geophysical investigation at the orphans' cemetery in Neerbosch, Nijmegen. They were invited there by the Foundation Memento Mori to try to image unknown graves.

11 April 2022

Two CEG researchers receive Veni grant

Two CEG researchers receive Veni grant

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 280,000 euros to two highly promising young scientists of the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences. The grant provides them with the opportunity to further elaborate their own ideas during a period of three years. A total of nine Veni's have been awarded to TU Delft researchers.

10 April 2022

Sustainable mining on European soil ‘indispensable for energy transition’

07 March 2022

Underground storage of hydrogen - Catalyst of sustainable energy transition

14 January 2022

De aarde als batterij - Hadi Hajibeygi

Waar sla je overtollige windenergie op als het lekker waait en windmolens overuren draaien? In de ondergrond, zegt ingenieur Hadi Hajibeygi van de TU Delft. Gebruik het overschot aan duurzame energie om water te splitsen in zuurstof en waterstof, en bewaar de waterstof als reservevoorraad energie voor windstille dagen, is daarbij het idee. De ondergrond is dan de ideale opbergplek. Geo.brief zocht hem (via een online gesprek) op.

03 December 2021

The MUDNET team won the NWO Team Science award

This week it was announced that the MUDNET team, of which Deyan Draganov and Julia Gebert are members, won the NWO Team Science award.

11 November 2021

Waarom een metro onder Utrecht 'makkelijker' is dan onder Amsterdam

De gemeente Utrecht wil met financiële hulp van het Rijk graag twee metrolijnen aanleggen. Met de verzakkingen van de Noord/Zuidlijn in Amsterdam in het achterhoofd, lijkt dat een complexe onderneming. Wout Broere, universitair docent Ondergronds Bouwen, vertelt hoe dat technisch in zijn werk gaat.

11 October 2021

GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinars

During the pandemic, Hadi Hajibeygi (GSE, TU Delft) and Sebastian Geiger (Heriot-Watt University) seized the opportunity to support the scientific community to combat work-from-home-isolation. They established the Geoscience & GeoEnergy Webinars; which features a scientist every Thursday 16:00 on youtube.