Ir. G. Pagella


Giorgio Pagella obtained his MSc at University of Padova, Italy, in 2019, with a Master’s Thesis developed at Delft University of Technology regarding the nonlinear analyses for the assessment of seismic input energy dissipation capacity of stiffened timber floors in Dutch masonry buildings. Since January 2020 he has been working on his PhD project at the Biobased Structures and Materials group.


The main focus of Giorgio’s research is on the mechanical characterization of wooden foundation piles located in the city of Amsterdam. The purpose is to develop an assessment method to evaluate the mechanical properties and estimate the short-term strength of wooden piles. The method is based on large-scale experimental tests, where the wooden piles are analysed considering different parameters which may influence the short-term strength after years in service and exposure to the surrounding natural environment.

Giorgio Pagella

PhD Candidate

Engineering Structures

Biobased Structures and Materials

Claire de Bruin