Architecture and Philosophy Lecture Seminar

The Architecture and Philosophy Lecture Seminar is an elective course within the MSc2 Architecture curriculum that awards 5 ECTS upon successful completion. The course has been designed to allow students to acquire and/or deepen their knowledge on contemporary architecture and its relation to philosophy in order to develop their own research in the form of an academic essay.

It offers students who are interested in acquiring knowledge and developing insights on the rich ties between architecture and philosophy the opportunity of experiencing the multifaceted angles of active learning: on the one hand, students will participate in a weekly lecture series in which a wide variety of philosophical perspectives will be addressed in relation to architecture, the environment and the city, while on the other hand, students will be part of an experimental reading seminar approach in which short texts will be studied in detail together with the tutors.

In this way the course will engage in the multiple and dynamic relationships that exist between philosophy, theory and architecture through a variety of pedagogical approaches and course material. The course will place emphasis on the philosophical and conceptual dimensions of present day architectural thinking and design, allowing students to explore in depth ideas on architecture and develop an academic essay on a topic of their choice.