Boumanschool Transformation
Annika Goedkoop, Richard Múdry & Sacha Oberski
De Hoogte library is designed as a reaction to the existing and anticipating a dramatically changing yet unknown future of public libraries. The design preserves the essence of the school, minimizes demolition, material, and resource usage. Mindful of its urban context, the thoughtfully shaped roof echoes the character of its neighbourhood. The proposal creating generous spaces – a generosity harmoniously integrated in order not to overwhelm. We address the fragmented nature of the school’s current setup by strategically integrating spaces, countering the overshadowing effect of neighbouring buildings. Responding to the steady decline of interest in traditional reading in the Netherlands, observed particularly in economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods, the library is conceived as a dynamic space, beckoning its community with open arms. The design redefines the role of the traditional library by accommodating emerging information-gathering methods, fostering social engagement, and adapting seamlessly to the changing landscape of knowledge selection and consumption.