Tools of the Architect

EU COST Writing Urban Places

The chair is leading the EU COST Action Writing Urban Places, New Narratives for the European City, which started in Spring 2019. This international and interdisciplinary research network explores narrative approaches to understanding and designing urban places. It proposes an innovative investigation and implementation of a process for developing human understanding of communities, their society, and their situatedness, by narrative methods. It focuses particularly on the potential of narrative methods for urban development in European medium-sized cities.  The network comprises a number of working groups that address the idea of Writing Urban Places from theoretical, methodological and practical (field-based) perspectives. 


Klaske Havik, Action Chair 
Jorge Mejía Hernández: Science communication, leader Working group 1 
Angeliki Sioli: co-leader Working group 2, Theory
Jana Culek: participant working group 2. 

More information can be found here.