

The call is open to students (BSc and MSc), PhD candidates, and professionals (architects, urban planners, policy makers) interested in architecture, urban planning, regional design sustainability, and circular economy practices.

There is a maximum limit of 40 participants.  

Why apply

  • Expand knowledge on circularity 
  • Learn how to apply Systems Thinking linking short-term actions to long-term resilience
  • Build a network 
  • Experience studying in TU Delft 
  • Meet TU Delft Professors and Researchers 
  • Upgrade your CV

Certificate of attendance
The participants will receive a certificate of attendance upon full attendance and completion of the 3-day programme.


Summer School |  250,0 euro

How to apply

Register here for the Summer School on Circularity in the Built Environment.

Application deadline

Application deadline: 21 June 2024.

Register now

Summer School on Circularity in the Built Environment

Register here


Circular Built Environment Hub