Josh Snow

Architectural Engineering


Urban and agricultural lands currently occupy over 40% of land surface globally. Most of these areas are managed through industrial processes that deplete the soil, pollute water, annihilate biodiversity and contribute to runaway emissions. It’s all anthropogenic sprawl. Eco-hydrological restoration is essential to prevent further climate collapse. Gunkspace is a methodology that integrates agroforestry practices through a network of decentralised soil remediation nodes within the interstices of existing anthromes. The hydrological basin serves as a scaling device that zooms in on the narrowest street and out to the entire planet: it’s all connected! Locally we experience it as new urban rituals of soil care; globally as new mechanisms of cooperation. The first study is the Matanza-Riachuelo Basin in Argentina, the most polluted waterway in the country, subject to the ecocidal processes of capitalist extraction since the European invasion. In other words, if this basin can be restored, any basin can be.

More information

  • Master thesis 'gunkspace'