
534 results

01 July 2020

Investigating creative methods

Investigating creative methods

Klaske Havik has been appointed as professor of Methods of Analysis & Imagination at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. Methods of Analysis & Imagination holds a plea to pair in-depth analysis of diverse cultural, spatial and social situations with imaginative thinking about new spatial realities.

29 June 2020

The case for tempering classroom noise

The case for tempering classroom noise

Primary school classrooms can be noisy places, making it hard for some children to concentrate and feel at ease. PhD researcher Dadi Zhang spent recent years finding out to what extent sound is experienced as noise and how it affects the well-being and performance of pupils. She’s also thought out a potential solution and decided to design a device aimed at noise reduction.

29 June 2020

Felipe Chaves Gonzalez wins first prize at Archiprix 2020

Felipe Chaves Gonzalez wins first prize at Archiprix 2020

With pride we announce that BK alumnus Felipe Chaves Gonzalez was awarded the shared first prize at the Dutch Archiprix 2020 for his project ‘Permeable borders - Addressing multidimensional conflicts between polarized communities in Rio de Janeiro’.

18 June 2020

Smartly mapped thermal behaviour of walls

Smartly mapped thermal behaviour of walls

Students Aleksandra Wróbel and Agnieszka Witaszek (Msc AUBS) and Kamil Owczarek (exchange students) designed the shelter, which can be folded and transported to the designated location on just one truck.

08 June 2020

Francine Houben TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020

Francine Houben TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020

Francine Houben, founder and Creative Director of Mecanoo Architects, has been elected TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020.

08 June 2020

Francine Houben TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020

Francine Houben TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020

Francine Houben, founder and Creative Director of Mecanoo Architects, has been elected TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020.

05 June 2020

A foldable emergency shelter

A foldable emergency shelter

Students Aleksandra Wróbel and Agnieszka Witaszek (Msc AUBS) and Kamil Owczarek (exchange students) designed the shelter, which can be folded and transported to the designated location on just one truck.

04 June 2020

Bringing the building site to the lecture hall

Bringing the building site to the lecture hall

New online platform Bouwflix will bring the building site to the lecture hall, clearly linking theory and practice. In this way, the new generation of architects and structural engineers starts with the right knowledge to hold their own on the building site. Petra van Diesfeldt (AE+T) has received a research grant of € 50.000,- as Comenius Teaching Fellow to further develop this initiative.

04 June 2020

The case of indoor partitioning

The case of indoor partitioning

How can specific building components contribute to healthy circular material flows? PhD researcher Bob Geldermans took the case of non-bearing partitioning walls to explore how material properties, material flows, product design, and user benefits can contribute to circularity and flexibility in the built environment.

02 June 2020

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

How can artificial intelligence (AI) accelerate scientific progress? Delft scientists will investigate this question in eight new 'TU Delft AI Labs'.

25 May 2020

Marie Curie Fellowship opportunities

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology will accept ‘Expressions of Interest’ for hosting Marie Curie Individual Fellows. Excellent postdocs and recent PhD graduates who would like to apply 2020 programme are invited to join the excellent research environment at our faculty.

25 May 2020

Challenges and opportunities for the Kuyperwijk

Challenges and opportunities for the Kuyperwijk

Students from Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University and Leiden University went into the Delft Kuyperwijk in March 2020 to research challenges and opportunities for the neighbourhood. With interviews, observations, and data analysis, they found that the district is very diverse in terms of design and population characteristics. The students then developed strategies for the challenges and development opportunities in the neighbourhood.

20 May 2020

Representing, embodying and enabling democracy

Representing, embodying and enabling democracy

How have architecture and urban planning played a role in democracy over the course of the 20th century? PhD researchers Íñigo Cornago Bonal and Burcu Köken use the extensive archives of Het Nieuwe Instituut to answer this question. Their research is part of the ‘Architecture and Democracy’ programme, an initiative between the Jaap Bakema Study Centre, the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, and Het Nieuwe Instituut.

13 May 2020

A good start to a possibly difficult year?

A good start to a possibly difficult year?

The Dutch market for owner-occupied houses and mortgages is getting off to a good start in 2020. At the same time, it is clear that the owner-occupied market will be affected by the corona crisis during the year 2020. However, it remains to be seen how big the effect will be.

07 May 2020

Solving urban issues with education

Solving urban issues with education

Growth, innovation, and liveability in Dutch cities is the goal of Agenda Stad. Three new research projects of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are using education to accelerate the development of innovative solutions to these social issues. As part of the 'City Deals Knowledge Making' programme, the projects are working on heritage workshops, connections between universities and municipalities, and a management game.

07 May 2020

Respectful redesign is a true craft

Respectful redesign is a true craft

To maintain and keep a building in use, interventions are required at certain moments in time. It is usually up to an architect to consider what interventions are to be made. But what purposes do they actually serve? How do actions work out? How satisfactory is the result? The forty Master’s students taking the new MASTERMIND CRASH course, made a game of finding out.

07 May 2020

Acoustic control of your environment

Acoustic control of your environment

Imagine this: you can control the acoustics of your environment, no matter the size and shape of the space around you, your access to electricity, and the type of sound you’d like to control. That is what the ADAM project prototype offers. With the use of mathematical models and 3D printing, amongst others, ADAM allows the creation of tailor made sound absorbers.

22 April 2020

Regenerating urban rivers with green quays

Regenerating urban rivers with green quays

Urban rivers are important elements for urban ecosystems and for the migiation of the effects of climate change. Regenerating urban rivers proves a challenge, especially in dense downtown areas where there is insufficient space to develop natural riverbanks. Research project GreenQuays proposes a set of innovative vertical ecosystems to renature such quays.

09 April 2020

Design for data empowerment

Design for data empowerment

How can citizens be involved in urban data issues? Within the Data Empowerment Design Studio, researchers, local residents, designers, and neighbourhood initiatives discuss and develop new ideas.

09 April 2020

Online ‘Space for the brain’

Online ‘Space for the brain’

With her graduation project ‘Space for the brain’, Lauren Broshuis is the first student to graduate online from the MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences. Her project advocates the inclusion of varying environmental stimuli in the built environment to account for individual preferences, guaranteeing grounds for focus and creativity for every brain.

01 April 2020

The construction sector through the eyes of an anthropologist

The construction sector through the eyes of an anthropologist

Alfons van Marrewijk has been appointed as professor of Construction Cultures at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. “The construction industry is packed with rituals, which people are hardly even aware of. By paying attention to the how and why of these rituals, you create space for change.”

25 March 2020

Unexpected properties for phosphate glass with fly ash

Unexpected properties for phosphate glass with fly ash

Glass is transparent and strong, but the melting temperature is high and the material is brittle. PhD research by Clarissa Justino de Lima shows that it is possible to improve its properties.

19 March 2020

Information technology does not (yet) provide many proximity benefits

Information technology does not (yet) provide many proximity benefits

"If employees can work at home for one or more days, they are prepared to accept greater commuting distances," says De Vos. It is one of the most important effects he discovered in his PhD research.

12 March 2020

The role of the architect in the circular economy

The role of the architect in the circular economy

Research project ‘Circularcity’ explores the roles of contemporary Dutch architects regarding the circular economy in the built environment.

12 March 2020

Circular energy-retrofitting

Circular energy-retrofitting

How can the energy transition be connected to creating a circular economy? Using a circular renovation module for the energy-retrofitting of housing offers a combined answer to the two challenges.

12 March 2020

100% heritage for a more sustainable future

100% heritage for a more sustainable future

Heritage is important for our personal and collective experiences, also for future generations. It is not sustainable to only keep the pearls and make those more sustainable,” says Ana Pereira Roders. She and Uta Pottgiesser have been appointed next to Wessel de Jonge, creating a total of three professors on heritage at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of TU Delft.

04 March 2020

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment rises to top 2 position in QS Subject ranking

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment rises to top 2 position in QS Subject ranking

The World University Rankings by Subjects 2020, published today, places TU Delft's discipline 'Architecture and the Built Environment' in second place. Dean Dick van Gameren: "The confirmation of our position in the QS World University Ranking, even a rise to a higher position, is a more than deserved compliment for the continuous commitment and energy of our faculty community.”

26 February 2020

The right to be visible in the public space

The right to be visible in the public space

Over the past few decades, Turkish immigrants have played a very visible role in Amsterdam’s public space, but this is changing rapidly. The elimination of minorities from the streetscape reflects the decline in the city’s inclusiveness, argues Ceren Sezer in her PhD research.

26 February 2020

Predictions on energy consumption in dwellings unravelled

Predictions on energy consumption in dwellings unravelled

Energy simulation models are often used to help improve the sustainability of homes, but there is a slight problem with that: in reality, the predictions they make are often wrong. PhD researcher Paula van den Brom analysed actual and theoretical energy consumption in more than a million homes and developed a calibration method to improve the models at housing stock level.

26 February 2020

TU Delft climate arboretum

TU Delft climate arboretum

Wednesday 18 March, National Tree Day (Nationale Boomfeestdag), will see the opening of the first climate arboretum at TU Delft.

13 February 2020

The experts can’t do it alone

The experts can’t do it alone

Smart construction leads to better buildings and better cities. At least, that is the intention. But this will only happen if we learn from mistakes and work together to find solutions, says professor of Design and Construction Management Paul Chan in his inaugural address. The experts can’t create the perfect future on their own.

06 February 2020

Using hard data to improve sustainability

Using hard data to improve sustainability

To measure is to know, especially in the energy transition. But, as professor Building Energy Epidemiology Laure Itard argues in her inaugural address, we will only truly benefit if we process the measurement data using automated systems. The smart use of big data can prevent energy systems from continuing to underperform.

06 February 2020

Declining supply and continuing price increases

Declining supply and continuing price increases

At the end of 2019, the number of transactions in the market for existing owner-occupied homes is stabilising and purchase prices for existing owner-occupied homes are growing less rapidly. The number of new-build homes sold has even fallen slightly over the past two years.

30 January 2020

Modifying monumental solid brick facades

Modifying monumental solid brick facades

With monumental buildings, it is often difficult to estimate the building physics of the building envelope. While modifications to for example monumental solid brick facades of residential buildings can yield the desired energy savings. Researchers from the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment received €400.000,- to develop the necessary knowledge about the facades.

16 January 2020

An energy-efficient office can be comfortable too

An energy-efficient office can be comfortable too

Energy-efficiency is at the forefront of modern office renovations, but this often comes at the cost of comfort. So doctoral candidate Minyoung Kwon has turned things around: start by looking at the wishes of the users before you design their workplace. This does not necessarily have to result in higher energy consumption.

16 January 2020

New home for Product Development Test Lab

New home for Product Development Test Lab

The small white building was designed as part of a two-year research project, built by students and meant to be learned from. The Product Development Test Lab has now found a new location at The Green Village on the TU Delft campus, where product innovations focused on digital construction, the circular economy and energy saving can be further tested.

16 January 2020

Multifunctional territories in-between offer tremendous opportunities for sustainability

Multifunctional territories in-between offer tremendous opportunities for sustainability

Areas around cities are often referred to negatively with the term 'urban sprawl'. But it is precisely in these territories in-between that we can achieve many of our sustainability goals, says PhD researcher Alexander Wandl. We just have to learn to plan them better.

19 December 2019

Revitalisation for Brainpark Rotterdam

Revitalisation for Brainpark Rotterdam

The design ‘Building Upon Brainpark’ proposes to revitalise the Brainpark area in Rotterdam by making the area more visible to local residents and users of the location. The design by BK alumni Kevin Westerveld, Nima Morkoç, Hedwig van der Linden, and master student Lars Kloeg was selected as a special mention in the Europan 15 x Productive Rotterdam design competition.

19 December 2019

Participatory action research

New Horizon 2020 project UPLIFT aims to provide insight into the structural drivers of intergenerational inequalities within the European Union, focusing on vulnerable young people. Researchers from Management in the Built Environment will coordinate the participatory action research, involving the young people themselves to develop innovative policy solutions.

19 December 2019

‘Behavioural sciences key to energy savings and comfort at home’

‘Behavioural sciences key to energy savings and comfort at home’

Residential comfort tends to be associated with pleasant temperatures, but there’s much more to it than that. PhD researcher Marco Ortiz identified the living conditions we experience as pleasant and used this research to draw up psychological profiles that can be used to design comfortable, energy-efficient houses tailored to the users’ preferences.