
14 March 2019

Cross-cultural approaches in architecture

Cross-cultural approaches in architecture

In the Spring semester of 2019, BK Bouwkunde welcomes Dhaka-based architect Marina Tabassum as visiting professor. Tabassum is celebrated for her focus on local culture, climate, materials and history. On 21 March, she will kick of her visiting professorship with her public lecture 'Cross-cultural approaches in architecture'.

14 March 2019

KIVI Award for Andy van den Dobbelsteen

KIVI Award for Andy van den Dobbelsteen

The Dutch Royal Institute of Engineers (KIVI) will present the KIVI Academic Society Award to Andy van den Dobbelsteen, professor Climate Design & Sustainability, on 18 March, the Day of the Engineer. Van den Dobbelsteen is awarded for his years of pioneering in the field of sustainable construction and for his distinctive presence in the debate on climate change.

14 March 2019

Movies from the building site

Movies from the building site

In the course ‘The smell of wet concrete’, bachelor students of BK Bouwkunde explore the building site. Details of the building under construction are filmed by the students, explaining in detail how the elements are created and assembled on site.

14 March 2019

Connecting history with computer sciences

Researchers from BK Bouwkunde and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science at TU Delft have formed a partnership to connect Humanities and Computer Sciences. They will combine their interdisciplinary skills to connect long-term historical knowledge with cutting edge computer vision, geospatial technology, and crowd sourcing technology.

14 March 2019

Blended modifiers reduce salt damage in lime mortars

Blended modifiers reduce salt damage in lime mortars

Lime-bound mortars are vulnarable to damage caused by salt crystallisation, but this can be remedied. PhD researcher Sanne Granneman discovered crystallisation modifiers mixed in with the mortar can prevent them from breaking down.

13 March 2019

Dick van Gameren appointed Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

The Executive Board has appointed Prof. Dick van Gameren Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment as of 1 April 2019. He is currently chairman of the Architecture Department at the same faculty.

08 March 2019

New design for making city districts free of natural gas also delivers considerable CO2 savings

New design for making city districts free of natural gas also delivers considerable CO2 savings

28 February 2019

Pushing the boundaries of Architectural Glass

Pushing the boundaries of Architectural Glass

James O’Callaghan has been appointed Professor of Architectural Glass. The Chair of Architectural Glass deals with glass in a wider context, both in the built environment and in building envelopes. It is about pushing the boundaries of materiality, performance, form, energy, and the aesthetics of architectural glass.

28 February 2019

Exploring the role of stations in future metropolitan areas

Exploring the role of stations in future metropolitan areas

At the main point of intersection between the railway and the city, stations are key elements in the organisation of the intermodal transport. The new book ‘Stations as Nodes’ explores the role of stations in future metropolitan areas from a French and Dutch perspective.

28 February 2019

Exploring processes and technologies

Exploring processes and technologies

Paul Chan has been appointed Professor of Design and Construction Management. The Chair addresses questions of processes that enable whole-life thinking in the development and realisation of building projects. Future practices and accompanying new technologies are looked at from a sociotechnical perspective, exploring how they can contribute to constructing better buildings and communities.