Environmental Technology and Design
Environmental Technology and Design
As section of Environmental Technology and Design (ET&D), we aim for inter- and transdisciplinary, context-driven, and solution-focused research and education for the sake of a better environment. Climate adaptation and mitigation, regeneration of biodiversity, digitalisation, scarcity of materials, the energy transition, green-blue adaptation strategies, provision of affordable and healthy nutrition all have multiple spatial claims on the finite resource of land.
Following the Delft Design tradition, we integrate design and engineering approaches to address those challenges. We develop and apply environmental-based methods and techniques, urban data science, and geospatial information technologies. Our research and education blend environmental technology, urban ecology, citizen participation and environmental behaviour at different scales.
There is a strong emphasis on the interaction of these fields in terms of theories, methods and techniques, and their application via concepts, strategies and spatial interventions. ETD's research and education portfolio concerns applied science for and often with public and private partners.