World Wonder

The early World Wonders have marked our past civilizations. From the Pyramid of Giza, the Collosseum, the Great Wall to the Eiffel Tower- they have been driven by politics, technology, philosophy, economy of their time. But how about the future production of World Wonders? How will our Zeitgeist be represented? What kind of upcoming wonders are able to embody our growing desires and ambitions?

This studio focused on challenging and provoking the wonders that can shape the future of architecture. In the design task students were confronted with conceptualising and designing a building that explores the future of wondering by focusing on the aspects of scale, technology, iconography and myth.

Fall 2010/2011
MSc 1/2 / AR2TWF010/12

Prof. Winy Maas, Tihamer Salij, Daliana Suryawinata, Ania Molenda

Ilkka Ala-Fossi, Zhou Bo, Isabella Eriksson, Seung-min Ko, Yilun (Allan) Pan, Gary Pitsaki, Michael Schuurman, Stavros Kousoulas, Douwe Strating, Manuel Torres, Philip van der Linden, Mischa-Marah Wullems

Guest Critics
Alexander Sverdlov, Felix Madrazo, Annaik Deceninick, Jeronimo Mejia