Lucile Dugal

The Why Factory

ClickCity: When do we need walls?

ClickCity is part of the Wegocity studio. The studio explored the future of co-housing and adaptability over time, from second to decade. Architecture should no longer be a frozen moment in time. Fast changing demands in extreme densities require something else than fixation. We want to be personalized! An upgrade of architectures cubical meter [M3] seems to be needed. We introduce TM4: Tailor made over time, a perfect fit for everyone at any time.

In ClickCity, the physical limits of spaces are being challenged through maximum flexibility and encourage, at the same time, to redefine spaces not as determined functions but rather as a fluidity of changing activities. Proposing these new scenarios of life will tend to highlight alternatives for maximum interactions between inhabitants but also optimize the building and its overall envelope. ClickCity redefines the meaning of the walls and explores the potential of instantly adaptable boundaries, allowing the user to change his space within a click.