
Architectural Engineering

Lex van Deudekom Lecturer 
Jelke Fokkinga Lecturer
Veronika (Vera) Laszlo  Educational & Research Support
Hubert van der Meel Lecturer      
Thomas Offermans Lecturer 
Job Schroën Lecturer     
Mo Smit Lecturer
Annebregje Snijders Lecturer
Jan van de Voort Lecturer    


Architectural Glass

James O'CallaghanProfessor                    

Building Energy Epidemiology

Laure Itard Professor                    
Paula van den Brom Researcher
Andrea Iris Joseph Thaddeus PhD
Arjen Meijer Assistant Professor
Arash Rasooli Researcher   
Ziao Wang PhD    
Chujie Lu Post-Doc
Martín Mosteiro Romero Researcher

Building Product Innovation

Tillmann Klein Professor * 09-05-1967 — † 17-06-2023
Ferry Adema Lecturer
Marcel Bilow Lecturer
Tamara Egger PhD
Hamza Hamida PhD
Olga Ioannou Assistant Professor
Thaleia Konstantinou Assistant Professor
Stijn Kragt Researcher
Nicolet Mansveld-Olsthoorn Project manager
Mauro Parravicini Lecturer
Max Salzberger PhD
Pieter Stoutjesdijk Lecturer
Paddy Tomesen Lecturer
Tamara Egger  PhD
Magdalena Zabek Researcher

Building Physics and Services

Peter Luscuere Emeritus Professor
Regina Bokel Associate Professor
Eleonora Brembilla Assistant Professor
Peter van den Engel Researcher

Nima Forouzandeh

Eric van den Ham    Lecturer      
Zara Huijbregts Researcher/lecturer
Christien Janssen Lecturer
Jos Lans PhD
Zhikai Peng Researcher
Willem van der Spoel Assistant Professor       
Martin Tenpierik Associate Professor      
Prateek Wahi PhD
Gustaf Wuite Researcher
Juan Carlos Prazmowski PhD

Building Services Innovation

Atze Boerstra


Elham Maghsoudi Nia


Climate Design & Sustainability

Andy van den Dobbelsteen Professor
Tess Blom PhD
Siebe Broersma Researcher
Nina Boorsma Post-doc
Maéva Dang Researcher
Michiel Fremouw Researcher/lecturer
Leo Gommans Assistant Professor
Craig Martin Associate Professor     
David Peck Associate Professor
Monika Roeling Researcher
Peter Teeuw Lecturer
David Jacome-Polit PhD
Viswambher Kambhampati Researcher

Design Informatics

Michela Turrin Associate Professor
Sevil Sariyildiz Professor
Henry Kiksen Educational & Research Support
Paul de Ruiter Lecturer
Hans Hoogenboom  Lecturer 
Serdar Asut  Lecturer 
Friso Gouwetor Lecturer
Lisa-Marie Mueller Lecturer
Vera Laszlo Reseacher

Design of Construction

Ulrich Knaack Professor
Tatiana Armijos Moya Researcher
Alvaro Balderrama PhD
Pedro Barra Luegmayer PhD
Arie Bergsma Lecturer
Paul Denz PhD
Florian Eckardt Lecturer
Ahmed Felimban PhD
Pierre Jennen Lecturer
Gilbert Koskamp Lecturer
Claudia van Leest Lecturer 
Alessandra Luna Navarro Assistant Professor
Koen Mulder Lecturer
Adam Pajonk PhD
Alejandro Prieto Researcher
Frank Schnater Lecturer
Lia Tramontini PhD
Stephan Verkuijlen  Lecturer
Engbert van der Zaag Lecturer

Geographic Information System Technology

Peter van Oosterom Professor
Edward Verbree Assistant Professor
Azarakhsh Rafiee Assistant Professor
Martijn Meijers Assistant  Professor
Wilko Quak Lecturer
Jesús Balado Frias Post-doc
Vitali Diaz Mercado Researcher
Abdullah Alattas PhD
Amin Jalilzadeh PhD
Eftychia Kalogianni PhD
Justin Schembri PhD
Abdullah Kara Guest-Researcher
Niels van der Vaart Guest
Martin Kodde Guest
Thijs van Lankveld


Maarten van Meersbergen Guest
Robert Voute Guest

Heritage & Design

Wessel de Jonge Professor
Nicholas Clarke Researcher
Arnold Hermkens Lecturer
Lidy Meijers Lecturer
Alexander de Ridder Lecturer
Vincenzo Riso Researcher
Lidwine Spoormans Lecturer
Wouter Willers Lecturer
Hielkje Zijlstra Associate Professor

Heritage & Technology

Uta Pottgiesser Professor
Fatemeh Arfa PhD
Marcel Cardinali PhD
Victoria Davalos Quevedo PhD
Joana Gonçalves Lecturer
Anica Dragutinovic PhD
Ameya Kamat PhD
Frank Koopman Lecturer
Christine Kousa PhD
Barbara Lubelli Associate Professor
Silvia Naldini Lecturer
Wido Quist Assistant Professor

Heritage & Value

Ana Pereira Roders Professor
Amaal Abu Ghoush PhD
Bruno de Andrade Assistant Professor
Nan Bai PhD
Mahda Foroughi PhD
Judith Fraune Projectmanagement
Moses Katontoka Researcher
Emeline Lin PhD
Marcia Loddo Researcher
Federica Marulo PhD
Adva Matar PhD
Ivan Nevzgodin Assistant Professor
Komal Potdar PhD
Bruna Ribeiro Nunes PhD
Ana Tarrafa Pereira da Silva PhD
Marie-Thérèse van Thoor Associate Professor
Ana Jayone Yarza Perez PhD

Indoor Environment

Philomena Bluyssen  Professor
Erica Ding PhD
Annemarie Eijkelenboom Associate Professor
Amneh Hamida PhD
Arghyanir Giri PhD

Structural Design & Mechanics

Mauro Overend Professor
Charalampos Andriotis Assistant Professor
Prateek Bhustali PhD
Simona Bianchi Post-doc
Andrew Borgart Assistant Professor
Stijn Brancart Assistant Professor
Telesilla Bristogianni Researcher
Niels van Dijk Lecturer
Peter Eigenraam Lecturer
Ziead Metwally PhD
Wilfried Damen PhD
Anna Maria Koniari  PhD
Faidra Oikonomopoulou Assistant Professor
Silke Prinsse Lecturer
Rik Rozendaal Lecturer
Julia Schönwälder Lecturer
Joris Smits Associate Professor
Ate Snijder Lecturer
Fred Veer Associate Professor
Dirk Rinze Visser Lecturer
Max Salzberger Lecturer


Onno de Wit  Department Manager
Kim Scheffelaar Department Manager
Francoise van Puffelen Management Assistant
Carla van der Krogt Management Assistant
Sasha Kasturiarachchi Management Assistant
Daniel Pantophlet Management Assistant
Barbara van Vliet Management Assistant
Annelies Friesser Management Assistant