

  • Politi, E., Purucker, P., Larsen, M., Dos Reis, R.J. D., Rajan, R.T., Penna, Duarte Penna, S., Boer, J.-F., Rodosthenous, P., Dimitrakopoulos, G., Varlamis, I. and Höß, A. (2024). Enabling Technologies for the Navigation and Communication of UAS Operating in the Context of BVLOS. MDPI Electronics. [
  • Mohammadkarimi, M., Leus, G., & Rajan, R. T. (2024). Joint ranging and phase offset estimation for multiple drones using ADS-B signatures. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.. [
  • Kok, M., Solin, A., Schön, T. B. (2024). Rao-Blackwellized particle smoothing for simultaneous localization and mapping. Data-Centric Engineering. [
  • Kok, M., Eckhoff, K., Weygers, I. and Seel, T. (2022). Observability of the relative motion from inertial data in kinematic chains. Control Engineering Practice. [
  • Viset, F., Helmons, R. and Kok, M. (2022). An Extended Kalman Filter for Magnetic Field SLAM Using Gaussian Process Regression. MDPI Sensors. [
  • Wahlström, J. and Kok, M. (2022). Three Symmetries for Data-Driven Pedestrian Inertial Navigation. IEEE Sensors. [
  • Zheng, Y., Wang M. and Thilak Rajan, R. (2022). Decentralized coordination for truck platooning. Computer?Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. [] 
  • Menzen, C., Kok M. and Batselier, K. (2021). Alternating linear scheme in a Bayesian framework for low-rank tensor approximation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. [


  • Menzen, C., Memmel, E., Batselier, K. and Kok, M. (2023). Projecting basis functions with tensor networks for Gaussian process regression. 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Yokohama, Japan. [
  • Zhai, P., and Thilak Rajan, R. (2023). Distributed Gaussian Process Hyperparameter Optimization for Multi-agent Systems. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). [] 
  • Li, Z. and Thilak Rajan, R. (2023). Geometry Aware Distributed Kalman Filtering for Affine Formation Control under Observation Losses. 26th International Conference on Information Fusion, Charleston, USA. [
  • Viset, F., Helmons R. and Kok, M. (2023). Distributed multi-agent magnetic field norm SLAM with Gaussian processes. 26th International Conference on Information Fusion, Charleston, SC, USA. [
  • Menzen, C., Fetter, M. and Kok, M. (2023). Large-scale magnetic field maps using structured kernel interpolation for Gaussian process regression. 26th International Conference on Information Fusion, Charleston, SC, USA. [
  • Edridge, T. and Kok, M. (2023). Mapping the magnetic field using a magnetometer array with noisy input Gaussian process regression. 26th International Conference on Information Fusion, Charleston, SC, USA. [
  • De Bruin, P.E., Kaczmarek, M., Kok, M. and S. Hassan HosseinNia (2023). Evaluation of recursive Bayesian filters for modal contribution estimation in high-tech compliant mechanisms. 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Yokohama, Japan. [
  • Skog, I., Hendeby, G. and Kok, M. (2023). Tightly Integrated Motion Classification and State Estimation in Foot-Mounted Navigation Systems. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. [
  • Rajan, R. T. (2023). On the Choice of Reference in Offset Calibration. 2023 IEEE 9th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP). [
  • Osman, M., Viset, F. and Kok, M. (2022). Indoor SLAM using a foot-mounted IMU and the local magnetic field. International Conference on Information Fusion, Linköping, Sweden. [
  • Van der Marel, M. and Thilak Rajan, R. (2022). Distributed Kalman filters for relative formation control of multi-agent systems. 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). [] 
  • Blok, J., Poggensee, K.L., Lemus, D., Kok, M., Pangalila, R.F., Vallery, H., Deferme, J., Toussaint-Duyster, L.C.C. and Horemans, H. (2022). Quantification of the development of trunk control in healthy infants using inertial measurement units. Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR). [


  • Kok, M. (2024). Indoor localization using the magnetic field as a source of position information. International Conference on Localization and GNSS. [
  • Kok, M. (2023). Gaussian processes for indoor localisation using the magnetic field. Workshop on Physics-Informed Machine Learning during the annual Dynamics Research Group Workshop on Structural Dynamics at the University of Sheffield. [