Cleaning team of X in the spotlight

News - 11 October 2023 - Communication

On 12th October, the documentary 'Invisible' will be aired on NPO2. Every year, we produce mountains of waste. This documentary traces the paths of efficient cleaners, who seem to operate almost invisibly in daily life. An unexpected perspective, while those who create the mess often look away.

In this documentary, our cleaning team plays a role, and particularly Asah. We're immensely proud of this! The documentary provides a unique behind-the-scenes look at how they ensure that we scarcely realise the mess we make daily.

We previously spoke with Asah for our series 'Humans of X'. Read the full interview with him here.

2Doc Invisible will be broadcast on Thursday 12th October at 22:20 on NPO2. Directed by: Gabriëlle Provaas, produced by: TomTit Film. The film was also featured at the Dutch Film Festival 2023.