Changing room 20 becomes all-gender

News - 09 January 2024 - Communication

In late August, we had to return the all-gender changing rooms (19 and 20) to their previous situation in which men and women had separate spaces. This decision was made due to an increased risk of Legionella caused by insufficient use of the all-gender changing rooms. (Read more about this in the news item dated 30 August.)

We are pleased to announce that the Legionella risk is now under control thanks to several adjustments in the building installations. Subsequently, we have reevaluated the possibilities for an all-gender changing room, and as a result, an all-gender changing room will once again be available starting from Friday 12 January. This concerns changing room 20. Changing room 19 will remain a separate space designated for women. For a complete overview of all changing rooms, please take a look at our floor plans on the Accommodation & Facilities page.

In addition to the all-gender changing room, X also offers all-gender toilets at several locations.