Active Learning Workshop

News - 02 February 2023 - Teaching Support

What to expect from this workshop/peer consultation:

It will consist of two sessions, two hours per session. In both sessions you will first, via an active learning approach (specifically Problem-Based Learning), discuss a societal problem through the eyes of a student. This serves as a base for the peer consultation component which will follow.
The reason for this format is that you will get immediate hands-on experience with the struggles, the benefits and the dos and don’ts of small-scale student-centered teaching. We will then have an in-depth discussion as to how to tackle these concerns. To enrich the sessions, some preparation work is expected of you (circa two hours in total).

  • When: Day 1: 3 March, Day 2: 17 March
  • Time: 09:30 - 11:30
  • Pricing: free of charge
  • Location: confirmation of location upon registration
  • Registration:
  • Deadline to register: 20 February