Jeroen van de Hoven member of Analytics Advisory Commission at Finance

News - 20 March 2023 - Webredactie

The Council of Ministers last week approved the formation of the Analytics Advisory Committee. This committee will advise the Tax Administration, the Customs Administration, the Benefits Agency and the Ministry of Finance on how to deal with risk models and algorithms. The advisory committee is tasked with considering current analytics issues within the services, both on request and on its own initiative. Jeroen van den Hoven, professor of Ethics and Technology, has been appointed a member of the committee.

The committee is headed by chairman Emile Aarts, rector emeritus and professor of computer science at Tilburg University. The other members of the committee are Sandjai Bhulai, Eppo Bruins, Paul van Geest, Jeroen van den Hoven, Friederike van der Jagt, Rob van Kan, Esther Keymolen, Patricia Prüfer, Mirko Schäfer and Arlette van Wissen. This group of academics and experts by experience all work on issues such as privacy, the use of data & algorithms and digital society.

Handling ethically with risk models and algorithms is an important social and topical issue. The use of risk models and algorithms is meant to increase efficiency and effectiveness in work, thus also helping citizens, companies and one's own organisation. At the same time, this principle should never lead to well-intentioned citizens and companies being thwarted by the use of this digital way of working. To ensure this, the committee has the freedom to give solicited and unsolicited advice on current issues. 

The committee has a diverse composition, guaranteeing integrated advice. Based on the dialogue in the committee, advice will highlight the different sides of the issue presented. These include, for instance, the importance and purpose of the model in question, privacy and ethics.