Aaron Ding in the lead for Lorentz workshop about future computing

News - 16 September 2023 - Webredactie

In August this year, Associate professor Aaron Ding led a workshop at the prestigious Lorentz centre about Future Computing for Digital Infrastructures. The ambition of this workshop was to gather Dutch and International scholars to debate on the outlook of future computing paradigm. 

The number of connected devices is growing, and so is the data generated by them. This growth needs to be met with smart solutions and higher degrees of automation. Edge and Cloud computing infrastructures are essential towards realizing smarter systems, but there is a need for more efficient design and operation of these infrastructures, as well as the development of new approaches with a sustainability viewpoint.

During the workshop at Lorentz Center, Aaron and other scholars delved into edge and future cloud computing, reflecting and creating a vision and roadmap for concrete collaboration between both academia and the industry. 50 scholars gathered to build an interdisciplinary team for jointly tackling the identified challenges in future digital infrastructures. 

The workshop looked into pathways toward sustainable, interoperable, multi-party and open cloud-edge infrastructures as highlighted by the EU’s Manifesto for the Development of the Next-Generation Cloud Infrastructure & Services Capabilities in 2022. 

Aaron Ding: "It was my great pleasure to welcome 50 eminent scholars and industrial leaders to explore and debate on the outlook of future computing. Guided by the question: 'Can future computing bring sustainable future to our digital infrastructures? There are several concrete follow-up activities planned, which include joint grant applications, mobility exchanges for junior researchers, and the creation of joint educational materials.”