Niek Mouter guest in Spotify podcast Appèl about the energy transition and conditions for successful citizen participation
Last week, Niek Mouter and Sanne Akerboom were a guest in the Appèl podcast about the conditions for successful citizen participation. They focus in particular on the energy transition. Together they discuss a number of successful and less successful cases and address the following questions, among other things: How do you ensure that the silent middle also participates in the participation process? How do you prevent the process from getting into a lock-in? Why is it important to involve citizens in the design of the participation process and how do you do that? What are the risks of a public consultation and how can you mitigate those risks? How do you combine online and offline participation? How do you ensure that a participation process is inclusive and representative?
- Listen to the podcast on Spotify (in Dutch): 'Hoe krijg je mensen warm voor windmolens?'
Podcast Appèl, 19 January 2022