EIT Health DRIVE training programme receives award

News - 13 October 2022 - Webredactie

The European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) Health DRIVE training programme has been awarded  “The Most Impactful Project of the Year” during the INNOVEIT event in Warsaw. The training programme provides support for innovators to turn their research/ideas into successful businesses. It aims to establish a specialized, comprehensive programme for health & life science start-ups. The programme is a co-creation by Roel Kamerling, Victor Scholten, Elif Çelik, Aleks Giga and Akos Wetters from the Delft Centre for Entrepreneurship and Delft Global, together with Monica Toth and her team from the EIT Health community.

About Health DRIVE

The EIT Health DRIVE training programme started in 2019 and is designed as part of the EIT Health RIS programme, which promotes healthcare innovation and develops the healthcare innovation ecosystem. It targets Healthcare innovators in European countries with modest or moderate innovation capacity (according to the European Innovation Scoreboard). The objective of the training is to help professionals analyse their region and build action programs between academe, industry and local hospitals to ensure their regions become more entrepreneurial, adaptive to new innovations and resilient. The training includes elements that help professionals to build their own specific support program, which addresses the unique features of the industry, such as the difficult and ever-changing regulatory environment, clinical validation and complex stakeholder network.

The jury included 16 representatives from Central-Eastern and Southern European governments, policymakers, industry, businesses, academic institutes and 6 experts from the Knowledge and Innovation Communities. 

Picture: Monica Toth receives the award