Caspar Chorus gives keynote on artificial intelligence in healthcare

News - 26 November 2020 - Webredactie

Caspar Chorus will give a keynote on the role of moral choices in healthcare. Can you leave these choices to AI? And how? He talks about this during an online conference of the Dutch Association for Surgery to about 1000 surgeons on 27 November.

AI and healthcare
Artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise in healthcare. Machine learning algorithms are already widely used for diagnostics; even medical choices (whether or not to operate?) are increasingly supported and partly determined by AI. This raises questions and concerns. After all, these algorithms do not excel in transparency. And “Computer says No” is not an option when it comes to matters of life and death. In this keynote, Chorus explains that there is an alternative to these algorithms: with the help of Behavioral AI Technology developed by TU Delft spin-off Councyl, the difficult moral choices of surgeons can be supported without compromising transparency. On the basis of applications at the UMCG in Groningen and the OLVG in Amsterdam, Chorus shows how this method works and what it can mean for the support of choices in healthcare.

Visit the conference website (Dutch only): Najaarsdag 2020: In Ontwikkeling - In balans & Innovatie