TU Delft AI for E&S Think tank 40: Scalable and Efficient Agents using Sparse Neural Networks
By Elena Mocanu | University of Twente
30 januari 2023 13:00 t/m 14:00 - Door: DAI Energy lab | Zet in mijn agenda
The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a series of events hosted by the Delft AI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. The 2023 Think Tank edition will focus on AI for Distribution Grids and feature the new AI for Energy Grids Lab (part of Innovation Center for AI) with Alliander, Radboud University, University of Twente and TU Delft. Every third Monday between 13:00-14:00 CET, we zoom in on research with either a promising Artificial Intelligence method or their promising use for energy and sustainability challenges, with and by researchers mostly in the Netherlands. You can participate, learn, make connections, inspire and be inspired for new research for AI for E&S.