
25 september 2018

Majid Nateghizad, Thijs Veugen, Zekeriya Erkin and Reginald L. Lagendijk were nominated for the best paper award in ARES 2018 for their work titled “Secure Equality Testing Protocols in the Two-Party Setting.”

Majid Nateghizad, Thijs Veugen, Zekeriya Erkin and Reginald L. Lagendijk were nominated for the best paper award in ARES 2018 for their work titled “Secure Equality Testing Protocols in the Two-Party Setting.”

17 september 2018

ENCS Helps Organize 4TU Cyber Security Week

ENCS Helps Organize 4TU Cyber Security Week

Last week, ENCS welcomed 23 students from TU Delft and UTwente to Cyber Security Week in Amsterdam, hosted in collaboration with Netbeheer Nederland. The week provided the students with insight into the energy sector’s cyber security challenges, engaging them in practical exercises and talks by cyber-security experts from energy companies and government.

03 september 2018

ENCS Welcomes Students To Energy Cyber Security Week

ENCS Welcomes Students To Energy Cyber Security Week

What does the energy transition mean for cyber security? What effect on security will widespread electric vehicles have? Do you have what it takes to defend a SCADA system from attack?

21 augustus 2018

A Slam for Cybersecurity@TU Delft

A Slam for Cybersecurity@TU Delft

This year has been the most successful year for TU Delft’s Cybersecurity group so far, and marks the first year in which the group was able to place a paper in every single one of the Big Four.

20 augustus 2018

Simple human errors often cause cyber security breaches

Simple human errors often cause cyber security breaches

A company leaking private data of millions of customers, or becoming a victim of cyber-attacks costing hundreds of thousands to millions of Euros has become an almost daily occurrence, in what seems to be highly sophisticated attacks. “When investigating these attacks more closely however, they are actually often not sophisticated, and neither are the vulnerabilities that lead to them,” says Tobias Fiebig, assistant professor at TPM and leading researcher.

17 augustus 2018

Eerste grootschalige marktanalyse ondergrondse cybercrime economie

Eerste grootschalige marktanalyse ondergrondse cybercrime economie

Cybercriminaliteit wordt makkelijker naarmate meer producten (‘commodities’) als kwaadaardige software via het dark web verkrijgbaar zijn. Rolf van Wegberg van de TU Delft onderzocht de omzet en groei van deze ondergrondse online economie.

18 juni 2018

35th Annual Assembly of the Croatian Academy of Engineering in Zagreb

35th Annual Assembly of the Croatian Academy of Engineering in Zagreb

On May 21 in Zagreb, the 35th Annual General Assembly of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) was held.

13 juni 2018

Paper presentation at ASIACCS 2018 marks the first success of TU Delft and SUTD collaboration on Cyber Security

Paper presentation at ASIACCS 2018 marks the first success of TU Delft and SUTD collaboration on Cyber Security

Qin Lin had the honour to present ), in presence of SUTD professor Aditya Mathur, the paper “TABOR: A Graphical Model Based Approach for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems” at the ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS) 2018.

07 juni 2018

TU Delft bouwt mee aan een digitale identiteit voor op de telefoon

TU Delft bouwt mee aan een digitale identiteit voor op de telefoon

Naast je paspoort en rijbewijs, ook een toepassing op je telefoon, waarmee je snel en veilig je identiteit kunt aantonen met nog meer privacy-mogelijkheden. TU Delft heeft - samen met de Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens (RvIG), een onderdeel van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (BZK), IDEMIA (de huidige producent van Nederlandse paspoorten) en advocatenkantoor CMS, en binnen het verband van de Dutch Blockchain Coalition - een eerste prototype ontwikkeld voor een digitaal stempel dat deze functie op termijn mogelijk kan vervullen. Deze digitale identiteit is gebaseerd op Delftse innovatieve blockchain-technologie, de zogenaamde Trustchain. Het prototype is gedemonstreerd tijdens een BZK-bijeenkomst op 7 juni. Na de zomer gaat in twee gemeenten een gebruikersproef met deze techniek van start.

15 mei 2018

Lecture on the basics of Machine Learning for the School of Architecture of NXP’s Business Unit Security & Connectivity

On April 10, Stjepan Picek gave a lecture on the basics of Machine Learning for the School of Architecture of NXP’s Business Unit Security & Connectivity. In his lecture he discussed artificial intelligence and machine learning and more in-depth about applications to security domain. The audience were senior technical engineers from almost all parts of the world with in total 27 participants from US, India, China, Brazil, Austria, Romania, France, The Netherlands and Germany.