Introducing Systems Engineering for water management projects by developing a selection framework for process steps in the design phase of a project

By Tessa Peters

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Where in the Transport and Infrastructure sector application of Systems Engineering(SE) is widespread in the water management sector application of SE has just started. Systems engineering supports the development and design of complex systems over their life cycle. What is the difference between the two sectors and does this influence the use of Systems Engineering within projects in the water management sector? To answer this question the two sectors are compared on their characteristics, such as contracts and regulations, stakeholders, budget and complexity. 

The main objective is to introduce and evaluate SE methodology in water management projects commissioned by Dutch water boards. To do so two pilot projects are monitored and evaluated using surveys and interviews based on qualitative data analysis. These pilot projects differ in the contract form and are both in the planning and design phase, consisting of the development of alternatives and recommend on the preferred alternative. The first project aims to improve the water safety in the south of the Netherlands by improving the secondary dikes and barriers. The other project is in the North-East of the Netherlands where the project is focused on improving robustness and resilience in the catchment of the river Regge and connecting the ecological zones in the area. Based on the two pilot projects a framework for the selection of the acquired SE process steps is designed. This framework should enable the project team to select the SE steps necessary to conduct a full design and minimize the risk.

Project resilience improvement river Regge

Tessa Peters


 Graduation committee:

  • M.W. Ertsen
  • B. Enserink
  • Ir. J. de Schiffart
  • Nick van de Giesen