Zhuotong Bai

Visiting PhD

Her primary research concentrates on demand-responsive mobility services using operations research. Recently, she has been working on projects related to modular vehicles, particularly involving enroute transfers in the systems. Additionally, she is also interested in railway rescheduling.


Here is the list of publications and working papers:


* Publication: 

Bai, Z., Wang, H., Yang, L., Li, J., & Lu, H. (2023). A Rescheduling Approach for Freight Railway considering Equity and Efficiency by an Integrated Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2023. (https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/8989644)

Huapu Lu, Zhuotong Bai, Zhouhao Wu, Zhihuan Fu. (2022).Reasonable Scale of Megacity Central Area Based on Multivariate Data and a Traffic Perspective. Chinese Journal of Engineering Science 24(6):146-153.

Hui Wang, Zhuotong Bai, Lin Yang. (2020). A multi-objective railway freight timetable reschedule approach with extensive and stochastic delay. INFORMS Annual Meeting.


Working paper:

Zhuotong Bai, Sh. Sharif Azadeh, Gonçalo Correia. Dynamic Demand-responsive Mobility service with enroute Transfer