Dr. Yimeng Zhang

Postdoc Researcher

Dr. Yimeng Zhang is a Postdoc Researcher at the SUM Lab funded by the Horizon Europe project - Seamless Shared Urban Mobility (SUM). In the SUM project, he works on optimizing services provided by public transport operators and on-demand shared mobility systems while considering passengers’ preferences by extending the choice-driven supply-demand steering tools.

Yimeng obtained his Ph.D. in Transport Engineering and Logistics at Delft University of Technology. Prior to this, he obtained the MSc in Traffic Information Engineering and Control at Wuhan University of Technology. In his Ph.D. project, he focused on flexible, dynamic, and collaborative synchromodal transport planning with preferences (https://research.tudelft.nl/en/publications/flexible-dynamic-and-collaborative-synchromodal-transport-plannin). He proposed solutions to address the gaps in synchromodal transport planning by proposing innovative mathematical models and heuristic algorithms. These methodologies aim to increase the flexibility, reliability, and sustainability of transport services while also reducing cost, time, emissions, and delay considering the preferences of both shippers and carriers.

His research interests revolve around the intersection of operations research, multi-agent systems, machine learning, and human behavior, with a focus on their practical applications in transportation and logistics, particularly in the realm of multimodal transportation. Specific research interests include:

  1. Vehicle Routing Problems
  2. Transport planning considering preferences
  3. Collaborative transport planning
  4. Transport planning under uncertainty
  5. Data-driven optimization for transportation
  6. Integrated modeling of supply and demand



Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KldVztcAAAAJ&hl=en

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yimeng-zhang-089a96197/