Driver-less shuttles for first- and last-mile passenger transport

This research focuses on the use of driver-less shuttles as first- and last-mile feeders for main public transport modes. Driver-less shuttles are a category of vehicle with low operating speed, usually between 15 and 25 km/h and small passenger capacity, usually between 8 to 12 seated passengers. They are equipped with automation level 4 and 5, according to SAE standards, so they are capable of driver-less operations and designed without users interfaces, and with no regular possibility for the user to engage in any of the driving tasks such as braking, accelerating and steering. Given the limited capacity and operational speed, a potential use of SAVs has been identified as access and egress complement of main public transport modes, serving thus the first- and last-mile of a multi-modal trip.

Not withstanding the substantial amount of pilots and tests that have been carried out in Europe in the past decade, only few became part of an operative system. We want to understand the reasons behind this lack of implementation. For this purpose, the objective of the research is to formulate a set of scenarios involving the introduction of automated shuttles for first- and last- mile and define, through simulation, what are the best strategic infrastructure design and network design so to integrate driver-less shuttles in an operative public transport system. The research is supported by HTM and Keolis, partners of the Smart Public Transport Lab.