News & Agenda

30 november 2020

Anneroos Brussee wins the KNW Thesis Award

Anneroos Brussee has won the KNW Thesis Award 2020 for her MSc Thesis 'Improving Flood Fatality Risk Assessment for River Flooding in The Netherlands'.

30 november 2020

Winner of the Journal of Flood Risk Management (JFRM) Outstanding Paper Award

Congratulations to Erik C. van Berchum, William Mobley, Sebastiaan N. Jonkman, Jos S. Timmermans, Jan H. Kwakkel, and Samuel D. Brody who have been selected for the JFRM Best Paper Award 2020 for their paper ' Evaluation of flood risk reduction strategies through combinations of interventions'.

30 november 2020

Open for Application: 1st Polder2C’s Winter School Fieldwork for flood resilience

I am happy to inform you that the Polder2C’s project has started accepting applications for our 1st Winter School.

10 oktober 2020

New journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures

New journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures

The Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures (JCHS) is a completely free and open community-based journal. All papers are rigorously peer-reviewed research in a double-blind fashion. Its mission is to publish high level engineering science results focused on the field of coastal and hydraulic structures.

10 oktober 2020

Ongoing survey study of All-Risk

The program All-Risk has a new website and is currently looking for support in their survey!

02 oktober 2020

Marcel van Gent benoemd tot hoogleraar Coastal Structures aan de TU Delft

Marcel van Gent benoemd tot hoogleraar Coastal Structures aan de TU Delft

De raad van bestuur van de TU Delft heeft dr. Marcel van Gent benoemd tot hoogleraar Coastal Structures. Met deze uitbreiding van de afdeling Waterbouwkunde aan de TU Delft wordt de samenwerking tussen de TU Delft, Deltares en de waterbouwsector op het werkterrein van waterbouwkundige constructies verder versterkt.

10 september 2020

Multidisciplinary Project Proposal, CE Consultancy Project 2020-2021

Polder2C’s levee challenge: Design and test an innovative repair for a damaged levee.

21 augustus 2020

New staff member: Burhan Yildiz

New staff member: Burhan Yildiz

Mr Burhan Yildiz has been working as a researcher and lecturer in the area of Hydraulics for more than 14 years. His desire to help people control rivers against disastrous outcomes and make everyone reach clean water triggered his motivation of hydraulics research. He is also a lover of mathematical calculations and mechanics and has pure joy when teaching the subjects to the students.

30 juni 2020

Watersnood 1953 leert: natuur redde levens en biedt kansen voor veiliger toekomst

Watersnood 1953 leert: natuur redde levens en biedt kansen voor veiliger toekomst

Natuurlijke kwelders of schorren aan de zeezijde van dijken redden mensenlevens als een dijk wel doorbreekt. Dat schrijft een team van wetenschappers uit Yerseke, Delft en Antwerpen deze week in Nature Sustainability.

31 maart 2020

Graduations from April 22 on

Click here to read the current rules due to the coronavirus, for students who graduate from April 6 and for whom the graduation date has already been scheduled.