Jansen, J.D.


Jan Dirk's research domain is the use of systems and control theory for influencing and optimizing subsurface flow and mechanics. For many years he focused on oil and gas production, but his current research concerns induced seismicity and geothermal energy.


Numerical reservoir simulation, recovery optimization, production optimization, history matching, data assimilation, model-order reduction, induced seismicity


Kan aardwarmte onze Delftse huizen verwarmen? Antoni van Leeuwenhoeklezing (Invited public lecture, in Dutch), Delft, 22 November 2020.

Model-based optimization of oil and gas production (Tutorial presented at the Long Program on Computational Issues in Oil Field Applications, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), University of California Los Angles (UCLA), 20 March - 9 June 2017) 

Current projects

Science4Steer: a scientific basis for production and reinjection strategies to minimize induced seismicity in Dutch gas fields
Co applicants: prof C.J. Spiers U Utrecht, dr A. Barnhoorn TU Delft, dr H. Hajibeygi TU Delft, dr S.J.T. Hangx U Utrecht, dr D.V. Voskov TU Delft
What happens to the Dutch subsurface when used for the production, injection or storage of fluids? Does suddenly stopping production from a gas well in Groningen also stop earthquakes or may it provoke new ones? What are the effects of production and injection during underground gas storage? How does reservoir rock behave under fluctuating stresses? Our Science4Steer research addresses these questions with laboratory experiments and computer models to help society make better decisions. Many aspects are important in such decisions and many factors contribute. The role of science is to provide understanding how we can steer subsurface activities safely.

Recently completed projects

Smart wells and smart fields (Website)

Nodal Analysis

This web page provides supplementary material for the textbook “Nodal Analysis of Oil and Gas Production Systems” which is published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).
More information

Jan-Dirk Jansen

Professor of Reservoir Systems and Control