
[31] Jharap, G., Leeuwen, L. van, Mout, R., Zee, W. van der, Roos, F., and A.G. Muntendam-Bos, Ensuring safe growth of the geothermal energy sector by proactively addressing risks and hazards, Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 99, e6,, 2020.

[30] Muntendam-Bos, A.G., Clustering characteristics of gas-extraction induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field, Geophysical Journal International 221, 879-892, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa038, 2020.

[29] Candela, T, Osinga, S., Ampuero, J-P., Wassing, B., Pluymaekers, M., Fokker, P.A., Wees, J-D van, Waal, J.A. de, Muntendam-Bos, A.G., Depletion-induced seismicity at the Groningen gas field: Coulomb rate-and-state models including differential compaction effect, Journal Geophysical Research - Solid Earth 124, 7081–7104, DOI: 10.1029/2018JB016670, 2019.

[28] Baisch, S., Koch, C. and A.G. Muntendam-Bos, Traffic Light Systems – How much control on induced seismicity?, Seismological Research Letters 90, 1145-1154. doi:10.1785/0220180337, 2019.

[27] Thienen-Visser, K. van, J.A. Roholl, and B.M.M. van Kempen, A.G. Muntendam-Bos, Categorizing the level of seismic risk for the onshore gas fields in the Netherlands, Engineering Geology 237, 198-207, doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.02.004, 2018.

[26] Muntendam-Bos, A.G., J.P.A Roest and J.A. de Waal, The effect of imposed production measures on gas extraction induced seismic risk, Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 96-5, s271-s278, doi:10.1017/njg.2017.29 , 2017.

[25] Waal, J.A., A.G. Muntendam-Bos and J.P.A. Roest, From checking deterministic predictions to probabilities, scenarios and control-loops for regulatory supervision, Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 96-5,s17-s25, doi:10.1017/njg.2017.15, 2017.

[24] Waal, J.A. de, A.G. Muntendam-Bos, and K. van Thienen-Visser, Lessons from larger than expected subsidence due to production of halite and natural gas in Fryslân, 50th US Rock Mechanics/geomechanics symposium (ARMA), ARMA 16-434, Houston, 26-29 June 2016.

[23] Waal, J.A. de, A.G. Muntendam-Bos, and J.P.A. Roest, Production Induced Subsidence and Seismicity in the Groningen Gas Field. Can it be managed?, PHIASH-2015-421 Special Issue: Prevention and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards due to land subsidence, Proc. IAHS, 372, 129–139, 2015.

[22] Muntendam-Bos, A.G., J.P.A. Roest, and J.A. De Waal, A guideline for assessing seismic risk induced by gas extraction in the Netherlands, The Leading Edge 34(6), 672-677, doi:10.1190/tle34060672.1, 2015.

[21] Thienen-Visser, K. van, A.G. Muntendam-Bos, and J.N. Breunese, Subsidence due to gas production in the Wadden Sea: How to ensure no harm will be done to nature, 49th US Rock Mechanics/geomechanics symposium (ARMA), ARMA 15-098, San Fransisco, 28 June-1 July 2015.

[20] Muntendam-Bos, A.G., J.P.A. Roest, and J.A. De Waal, Managing Subsidence due to Salt Mining, Proceedings of the Solution Mining Research Institute Fall 2014 Technical Conference, Groningen, September 2014.

[19] Muntendam-Bos, A.G. and J.A. De Waal, Reassessment of the probability of higher magnitude earthquakes in the Groningen gas field, SodM Technical report, January 2013.

[18] Waal, J.A. de, J.P.A Roest, P.A. Fokker, I.C. Kroon, J.N. Breunese, A.G. Muntendam-Bos, A.P. Oost and G. Van Wirdum, The effective subsidence capacity concept: How to assure the subsidence in the Wadden Sea remains within defined limits,  Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 91(3), 385-399, 2012.

[17] Fokker, P.A., K. Visser, L. Peters, G. Kunakbayeva, A.G. Muntendam-Bos, Inversion of surface subsidence data to quantify reservoir compartmentalization: A field study, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 96-97, doi:10.2118/134457-MS, 2012

[16] Visser, K., A.G. Muntendam-Bos, G. Kunakbayeva, O. Leeuwenburgh, E. Peters, and P.A. Fokker,  Inverting subsidence data to detect possible compartmentalization in a gas reservoir in the Netherlands, Proceedings of the eighth international symposium on land subsidence, Querétaro, México, 17-22 October, 2010.

[15] Fokker, P.A., Visser, K., E. Peters, G. Kunakbayeva, and A.G. Muntendam-Bos, Inversion of subsidence data to quantify reservoir compartmentalization: a field study, SPE annual technical conference and Exhibition, 3, pp. 2556-2565, Florence, Italy, 20-22 September, 2010.

[14] Wassing, B.B.T., Waarts, P.H., Roos, W., Nepveu, M., Muntendam-Bos, A.G., Van Eck, T., Seismic risk analysis of small earthquakes induced by hydrocarbon production in the Netherlands, SPE – 72nd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2010 – Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, 5, pp. 3788-3793, Barcelona, Spain, 14-17 June, 2010.

[13] Muntendam-Bos, A.G., M.H.P. Kleuskens, M. Bakr, G. de Lange, and P.A. Fokker, Unravelling shallow causes of subsidence, Geoph. Res. Lett. 36, L10403, doi: 10.1029/2009GL037190, 2009.

[12] Samieie-Esfahany, S., R.F. Hanssen, K. van Thienen-Visser, A.G. Muntendam-Bos, On the effect of horizontal deformation on InSAR subsidence estimates, Proc. of Fringe 2009, Frascati, Italy, 30 Nov.-4 Dec., 2009.

[11] Muntendam-Bos, A.G. and P.A. Fokker, Unravelling reservoir compaction parameters through the inversion of surface subsidence observations, Comp. Geosc 13(1), doi: 10.1007/s10596-008-9104-z, 2009.

[10] Fokker, P.A., Gunnink, J., Kroon, I.C., De Lange, G., Muntendam-Bos, A.G., Nepveu, M., Subsidence in the Netherlands – Measuring, matching, monitoring, modelling, SPE – 71st European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition, 2, pp. 1151-1155, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8-11 June, 2009.

[9]   Kroon, I.C., B-L. Nguyen, P.A. Fokker, A.G. Muntendam-Bos, and G. de Lange, Disentangling shallow and deep processes causing surface movement, Math. Geosc. 41(5), doi: 10.1007/s11004-008-9197-x, 2009.

[8]   Muntendam-Bos, A.G., I.C. Kroon and P.A. Fokker, Time dependent inversion of surface subsidence due to dynamic reservoir compaction, Mathematical Geology, doi: 10.1007/s11004-007-9135-3, 2008.

[7]   Fokker, P.A., Muntendam-Bos, A.G., and I.C. Kroon, Inverse modelling of surface subsidence to better understand the Earth's subsurface., First Break volume 25, 101-105, August 2007.

[6]   Bos, A.G. and Spakman, W., The surface deformation of the Western United States Deformation Zone inferred from 497 motion vectors, J. Geophys. Res. 110(B8), B08405, doi:10.1029/2003JB002742, 2005.

[5]   Bos, A.G., Usai, S. and Spakman, W., A joint analysis of GPS motions and InSAR to infer the coseismic surface deformation of the Izmit, Turkey Earthquake, Geophys. J. Int. 158, 849-863, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02359.x, 2004.

[4]   Bos, A.G.,  Interseismic and coseismic surface deformation deduced from space geodetic data with inferences of seismic hazard, tectonic processes, earthquake complexity and slip distribution, Ph.D. Thesis, Geologica Ultraiectina 233, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 2003.

[3]   Bos, A.G. and Spakman W., The resolving power of coseismic surface displacement data for fault slip distribution at depth, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(21), 2110, doi:10.1029/2003GL017946, 2003.

[2]   Bos, A.G., Spakman, W. and Nyst, M.C.J.,  Surface deformation and tectonic setting of Taiwan inferred from 143 GPS motion vectors, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B10), 2458, doi:10.1028/2002JB002336, 2003.

[1]   Bos, A.G., Nolet, G., Rubin, A., Houston, H., Vidale, J.E., Duration of deep earthquakes determined by stacking of Global Seismograph Network seismograms., J. Geophys. Res.  103, 21,059-21,065, 1998.

Annemarie Muntendam-Bos

Associate Professor of Induced Seismicity (part time)

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
    Building 23
    Stevinweg 1
    2628 CN Delft / 2600 GA Delft

    Room number: 3.07 

    Availability: Wednesday & 1st Thursday of the month