Sediment to Soil (S2S)

Increase of sea level and land subsidence necessitate strengthening of coastal defenses. Sediment-to-Soil (S2S) studies the processes of soil ripening, their optimization and predictability to advance use of fine-grained dredged sediment as alternative earthen construction material. This spares natural soil resources and enables a beneficial, sustainable and more economical sediment management. Before use, the dredged sediment needs to undergo a ripening process transforming it from a saturated, unconsolidated and unstructured material into a drained, consolidated, structured, biogeochemically stable and environmentally compliant soil, meeting the required soil mechanical properties. S2S will provide the scientific basis for understanding, optimizing and predicting the complex multi-phase soil ripening process. Project outputs will comprise a scientifically-supported protocol for optimized soil ripening, soil ripening indices and an openly accessible model combining settling and consolidation with biogeochemical ripening processes. LINK

Dr. Ir. J. Gebert, TU Delft

Principal investigator

Prof. Dr. R.N.J. Comans, WUR
