
87 resultaten

26 februari 2019

The MOOC Geoscience: the Earth and its Resources starts May 20th

The MOOC Geoscience: the Earth and its Resources starts May 20th

Are you fascinated by Geosciences and willing to take the challenge of predicting the nature and behavior of the Earth subsurface? This is your course!

06 februari 2019

Professor Timo Heimovaara is the new Department Chair of Geoscience & Engineering

Professor Timo Heimovaara is the new Department Chair of Geoscience & Engineering

Professor Timo Heimovaara is the new Department Chair of Geoscience & Engineering as of 1 January 2019. He takes over the activities of professor Michael Hicks, who was interim Director for the period 1 May-31 December 2018.

08 januari 2019

Annemarie Muntendam-Bos appointed part-time associate professor

The GSE department appointed Dr. Annemarie Muntendam-Bos part-time associate professor in the area of induced seismicity as per 1 January 2019.

23 december 2018

Vacancies for 15 Phd candidates: Investigating subsurface processes in the Netherlands

Vacancies for 15 Phd candidates: Investigating subsurface processes in the Netherlands

NWO awarded more than 4 million euros to 5 innovative research projects from the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) for research into the effect of human interventions deep under the ground. The research programme DeepNL seeks to improve the fundamental understanding of deep subsurface dynamics that occur under the influence of human interventions such as gas production and geological storage of CO2.

07 december 2018

Sponsorship for Assistant/Associate Professor Geothermal Science and Engineering

Sponsorship for Assistant/Associate Professor Geothermal Science and Engineering

During the Geothermal Get-Together on 29 November 2018, it was announced that research on Geothermal Science and Engineering at TU Delft got another boost. A consortium of seven partners signed a certificate for sponsoring an Assistant/Associate Professor.

15 november 2018

NWO honoreert 5 CiTG onderzoeksprojecten naar bewegingen en processen in diepe ondergrond van Nederland

NWO honoreert 5 CiTG onderzoeksprojecten naar bewegingen en processen in diepe ondergrond van Nederland

NWO heeft ruim € 4 miljoen toegekend aan 5 onderzoeksprojecten van de faculteit Civiele Techniek en Geowetenschappen (CiTG) die zich richten op het effect van menselijk ingrijpen in de diepe ondergrond.

09 november 2018

Hadi Hajibeygi Innovative Teaching Talent 2018

Hadi Hajibeygi Innovative Teaching Talent 2018

Hadi Hajibeygi, universitair docent bij de faculteit Civiele Techniek en Geowetenschappen, is verkozen tot Innovative Teaching Talent 2018. Hij geeft de vakken Reservoir Simulation, Rock Fluid Physics en Advanced Reservoir Simulation en richtte onderzoeksgroep DARSIM op.

31 oktober 2018

Impuls voor geothermisch onderzoek aan de TU Delft

Impuls voor geothermisch onderzoek aan de TU Delft

De meeste mensen zullen afgelopen zomer niet hebben nagedacht over het verwarmen van hun huizen; onderzoekers van de TU Delft deden dat wel (en niet alleen de laatste maanden). De bij het geothermisch onderzoek betrokken wetenschappers hebben goeie redenen om vooruit te kijken: het College van Bestuur van de TU Delft heeft een principebesluit genomen over de aanleg van een aardwarmtebron die voor geothermisch onderzoek kan dienen.

11 oktober 2018

Yenni Villa Acuña nominated for Best Graduate 2018

Yenni Villa Acuña nominated for Best Graduate 2018

Every year, TU Delft's eight faculties nominate their best graduates. At the ‘Best Graduate’ ceremony, each of the nominees presents a pitch on their graduation project. This year Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences nominated Yanni Villa Acuña.

03 oktober 2018

SPE Award for Jan Dirk Jansen

SPE Award for Jan Dirk Jansen

Prof. Dr. Ir. Jan Dirk Jansen has received SPE Distinguished Membership and Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty from Society of Petroleum Engineers