Klasen, R.M.T.
Roland Klasen was added to the GSE-laboratory staff in March 2020. Being hired as a lab-technician and area supervisor, Roland also works as controller of the geotechnical-centrifuge and liquefaction-tank. In these tasks, Roland can perfectly fit his technical background acquired at the laboratory technician study and the experiences of his offshore-technician job at the geotechnical advisory bureau Fugro. He worked at Fugro for several years, gathering loads of technical knowledge and data-acquisition skills in all parts of the world. He, for instance, worked at the Hollandse Kust-windfarms and on various oil and gas platforms in the West Nile Delta. After these offshore experiences, Roland decided it was time to get his boots back on a solid surface and started working at the TU Delft, in the GSE-laboratory.
Starting in 2021, Roland will also take up an educational role in the Geotechnical department, in addition to his works as a laboratory technician.
R.M.T. (Roland) Klasen
Technical Support Assistant
- +31 6 22694321
- R.M.T.Klasen@tudelft.nl
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23
Stevinweg 1 / PO-box 5048
2628 CN Delft / 2600 GA DelftAvailability: Monday till Friday