Housing management models in a changing society

Dr. Gerard van Bortel g.a.vanBortel@tudelft.nl
Prof.dr.ir. Vincent Gruis v.h.gruis@tudelft.nl

Organisational Strategies in housing is part of the Housing in a Changing Society research programme. One of the most pertinent developments over the past years, is the retreat of government from supporting affordable housing for low and moderate-income households. Market, third sector and community actors are becoming increasingly involved in the provision and management of affordable rental housing. These new models often—but not necessarily—have hybrid characteristics when market, state, community and civil society actors collaborate in housing delivery and management.

In this changing institutional landscape, we aim to take forward international comparative research that increases our understanding of the key factors influencing the emergence, governance, performance and outcomes of new housing management models. We welcome ideas that can build our knowledge on innovations in the governance, finance and management of affordable housing. Within this wider theme, we are especially looking for contributions that can support the development of housing management models for the most vulnerable people and places.

This theme will continue to build on previous and forthcoming work, for example:

  • Van Bortel, G., & Elsinga, M. (2007). A network perspective on the organization of social housing in the Netherlands: the case of urban renewal in The Hague. Housing, Theory and Society, (24)1, 32-48.
  • Czischke, D. (2014). Social housing organisations in England and the Netherlands: between the state, market and community [PhD Thesis]. Delft: Delft University of Technology.
  • Mullins, D., Czischke D., & Van Bortel, G. (2012). Exploring the meaning of hybridity and social enterprise in housing organisations. Housing Studies, (27)4, 405-417.
  • Van Bortel, G. (2016, forthcoming). Networks and Fault Lines: Understanding the role of housing associations in neighbourhood regeneration: a network governance perspective  [PhD Thesis]. Delft: Delft University of Technology.